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Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) - German as a Foreign Language

Herzlich Willkommen.

Despite the dominant role of English in our modern globalized world, German has a growing number of speakers and learners.

Courses take place on Campus.

Please consult your degree program course schedule for days and times.
An overview of all language classes offered at HS Mainz can be found here; however, please note the importance of registering for the courses through your degree program and HIP/CIM or OLAT.

When taking part in a language course, attending on a regular basis is not only expected, but usually active participation also accounts for part of your grade.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Tilman Kromer.

Dear students,

before registering for the German classes, you need to take an online assessment test to find the right course level. Those who have no prior knowledge of German can directly register for one of the A1.1 courses without an assessment. All others should do the following online tests depending on their learning experience so far.

For Level A1 to B1:

For Level B2 to C1:

At the end of the test you will receive a result with the percentage of the exercises you filled out correctly and a recommendation for the course level you should continue with.
Please send the result to the following address: tilman.kromer (at)

Afterwards, please register for the corresponding course through OLAT.
An explanation on how to use OLAT, how to find the registration, and how to register is provided here.

By the end of the orientation week you will receive an e-mail with an invitation to the course's first meeting. In another e-mail or the first session you will receive the password for the respective OLAT course (where further course info and materials will be provided), and information about the course material.

Besides the result of the online test your choice of a course also depends on your timetable. Due to low demand, in case of the levels B2 and C1 only one course per semester is offered, with the first half of the course in the winter semester and the second in the following summer semester. When choosing a course please keep in mind: What doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t change you.

Summer Semester 2025

A1.1 (A)Thursdays08:15 – 11:30 hD1.06T. Kromer
A1.1 (B)Mondays08:15 – 11:30 hD0.05B. Blank
A1.2Wednesdays11:45 – 15:00 hK3a (dorm building!)T. Kromer
A2.1Mondays08:15 – 11:30 honlineA. Dahmer
A2.2Wednesdays08:15 – 11:30 hD0.05T. Kromer
B1.1 Tuesdays08:15 – 11:30 hD0.05B. Blank
B1.2Thursdays11:45 – 15:00 hK3b (dorm building!)B. Blank
B2.2Mondays08:15 - 11:30 hD0.07T. Kromer
C1.2Wednesdays17:00 – 20:15 hD0.05B. Blank

Did you know?

  • German is the or an official language of six European countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, as well as small parts of Belgium and Italy).
  • German is the second-most used language on the internet, ranking ahead of French, Japanese and Spanish.

There are numerous reasons why German was, is and will be worth learning, especially for Business students:

  • Germany plays a significant role in world-wide trade relations
  • Germany has a historical influence on and importance in European Union and world politics
  • German is a primary language used in science
  • German is the original language of many masterpieces in world literature and philosophy, for example by authors such as Goethe, Marx, Freud or Einstein.

Here at Hochschule Mainz, we aim at giving students the opportunity of improving their language skills on all levels. To find the best course for you, you will be asked to take a written online test before being invited to a short interview, so that the right course can be found for you.

The courses are divided up according to the Common European Framework (Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen) from level A1 to C1

A1: The user can communicate in basic German with help from the listener
A2: The user can communicate in German within a limited range of contexts
B1: The user can communicate essential points and ideas in familiar contexts
B2: The user can use German effectively, with some fluency, in a range of contexts
C1: The user is able to use German fluently and flexibly in a wide range of contexts

The courses take place once a week for four lecture hours. They are mainly intended for MA International Business and Erasmus students. All other international students are invited to join!

In addition to the courses during the semester, our university offers a two - week- intensive course for students arriving before the start of the semester.

For questions and further information, please contact Tilman Kromer or see our homepage.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch.


Tilman Kromer
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Biljana Blank
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
T +49 6131 628-3216