Fachgruppe Sprachen
Willkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenida! Hoşgeldiniz! Karibu! Benarrivata! добро́ пожа́ловать! 欢迎! أهلا بك
Cafe Lingua - a tandem/tutorial offer by students for students!
Learn or teach a language in a group of 5-6 students!
- interactive language course for students, taught by native-speaking students
- weekly meeting (approx. 90 minutes) of each language group
- max. 6 participants/group
- peer group interaction; modern, everyday vocabulary & language use
- free choice of topics & activities as well as time & place of the meetings
- broad vocabulary built up through discussions of a wide variety of topics
- tutor certificate (after tutoring for at least one semester)
Take part:
- Interested in becoming a participant or tutor for a certain language?
à send an e-mail to sprachen (at) hs-mainz.de in advance, indicating the language you would like to learn or teach

Summer semester 2024
Kick off and get going:
- first meeting:
Wednesday, March 27
11:45 - 12:45 h
Campus, B1.10
→ participants & tutors get together to form individual language groups
Tutors needed!
Contact us if you are interested!