2023 - 2024
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Frankfurt am Main
Lehrauftrag für das Fach Bauphysik
Hochschule Mainz
Holzstraße 36
55116 Mainz
2023 - 2024
Lehrauftrag für das Fach Bauphysik
Postdoktorandin und Forschungsgruppenleiterin
2017 - 2020
Projektleiterin Bauphysik, ab 01/2019 Leitende Ingenieurin Bauphysik
2016 - 2016
2014 - 2018
Promotion im Bereich Bauphysik
2013 - 2015
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
2011 - 2012
Projektingenieurin Bauphysik
2005 - 2011
Studium des Bauingenieurwesens
Kraus, M. A.; Waibel, C.; Bishara, N.; Griego, D. (2025): Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bauphysik - Hintergrund, Anwendungen und Potenziale. In: Bauphysik-Kalender 2025, Ernst und Sohn Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-433-03451-4
Bishara, N.; Burdiles, I.; Bosse, N.; Knaack, U. (2025): Circular Exterior Wall System Made of Paper-Based Materials. In: Sustainable and Regenerative Materials for Architecture, Laurence King Publishing, London, ISBN: 9781529433272
Bishara, N. (2024): Hygrothermal Performance of a Paper-Based Building Envelope, In book: Multiphysics and Multiscale Building Physics, Publisher: Springer Singapore, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114708
Jasiolek, A.; Wolf, A.; Bishara, N.; Rosendahl, P. L. (2024): Adhesive paperboard connections in architectural applications: modelling, characterization, and performance assessment. In: The Journal of Adhesion, DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2024.2420895
Xue, Y.; Da Silva, C.; Bishara, N. (2024): Experimental and numerical performance analysis of an active cooling wall module equipped with micro-encapsulated phase change material, In: Energy and Buildings, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114708
Reidelbach, F.; Kirschstein, X.; Reber, J.; Bishara, N. (2024): Energy supply for the building stock of tomorrow - a case study. In E3S Web of Conferences, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202456203002
Kirschstein, X., Ohagen, M.; Reber, J.; Vardon, P.; Bishara, N. (2024): Regeneration of shallow borehole heat exchanger fields: a literature review. In: Energy and Buildings, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114381
Lang-Eurisch, B.; Bishara, N. (2024): Façade greening strategies: Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and microclimatic analysis for sustainable urban planning. In: Proceedings of SimBuild 2024. Denver, USA.
Reber, J.; Kirschstein, X.; Bishara, N. (2024): Assessing energy flexibility potential via statistical analysis of building mass using rule- and schedule-based control. In: Proceedings of SimBuild 2024. Denver, USA.
Kohne, T.; Beck, M.; Bishara, N.; Seyfried, S.; Schneider, J.; Weigold, M. (2023): The Darmstadt Energy Laboratory for Technologies in Application: Overview Paper – Living Lab DELTA. In: Insights from the Darmstadt Energy Lab for Technologies in Application, Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00026384
Bishara, N.; Wolf, A. (2023): Monitoring a paper-house. In: BAMP! CONFERENCE 2023 - 4th International Conference on Building with Paper, S. 27-28
Kirschstein, X.; Schaffarczyk, A.; Schuster, M.; Bishara, N. (2023): Energy efficiency measures for existing factory buildings. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Modelica Conference 2023, DOI: 10.3384/ecp204737
Reber, J.; Kirschstein, Xenia; Bishara, N. (2023): Evaluation of building mass characterization for energy flexibility through rule- and schedule-based control: a statistical approach. In: MDPI – Energies, DOI: 10.3390/en16196878
Kirschstein, X.; Reber, J.; Zeus, R.; Schuster, M.; Bishara, N. (2023): Modelling of floor heating and cooling in residential districts. In: MDPI – Energies, DOI: 10.3390/en16155850
Bishara, A.; Bishara, N.; Kramberger-Kaplan H. (2023): Metrological evaluation of facade coating systems regarding their resistance to microorganism growth. In: IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2654/1/012027
Kohne, T.; Bishara, N.; Such, M.; Beck, M.; Stadler, E. M.; Schneider, J. (2021): Energieoptimierte Wohnquartiere – Lösungen für die Energiewende. In: Quartier – Fachmagazin für urbanen Wohnungsbau 6.2021, S. 20-25
Paschke, F.; Bishara, N.; Schulz, I.; Kocer, C.; Schneider, J.; Maier, A. (2021): In situ Ug-value measurement on three different glazing types. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 2069. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2069/1/012134
Bishara, N.; Pernigotto, G.; Prada, A.; Baratieri, M.; Gasparella, A. (2021): Experimental determination of the building envelope’s dynamic thermal characteristics in consideration of hygrothermal modelling – Assessment of methods and sources of uncertainty. In: Energy & Buildings, 236, S. 110798. Elsevier, e-ISSN 1872-6178, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110798
Bishara, N.; Gasparella, A. (2018): The effect of ambient moisture conditions on heat flux time shift and decrement factor of multi-layered walls. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Building Physics Conference. Syracuse, NY, USA.
Bishara, N. (2018): Measurement of dynamic properties of building envelope materials and components - methods, tools, instruments and application. PhD Thesis. Free University of Bozen, Italy.
Bishara, N.; Gasparella, A. (2017): CFD modelling of forced convection at a building component surface and coupling to dynamic HAM simulation – assessment and evaluation of methods and accuracy. In: Energy Procedia 132, S. 855–860. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.673.
Bishara, N.; Schulz, T.; Gecks, J.; Plagge, R.; Wehsener, J. (2016): Thermal optimization and performance analysis of an innovative wooden radiant heating system made for room temperature control—Laboratory and numerical investigation of prototypes. In: Energy and Buildings 138, S. 569–578. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.12.091.
Bishara, N.; Prada, A.; Pernigotto, G.; Baratieri, M.; Gasparella, A. (2016): Analysis of the measurements reliability in dynamic test of the opaque envelope. In: Proceedings of the 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue. Purdue, USA.
Wehsener, J.; Schulz, T.; Gecks, J.; Bishara, N.; Krug, D.; Plagge, R. (2016): Untersuchungen zu mehrlagigen Massivholzplatten als Heiz- und Kühlelement. In: Bauphysik 28 (3), S. 129–134
Bishara, N.; Vogelsang, S.; Plagge, R. (2015): Numerical simulation of the hygrothermal behavior of a new solid wood panel for room temperature control – Calibration of the heating curve. In: Energy Procedia 78, S. 176–182. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.136.
Bishara, N.; Plagge, R. (2015): Experimental investigation of a new solid wood panel for room temperature control - Analysis of the cooling performance. In: Proceedings of CISBAT 2015 International Conference on Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Bishara, N.; Plagge, R. (2014): Development of a solid wood panel for heating and cooling of floor, wall and ceiling constructions. In: 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics - Full Papers. Lund, Sweden.