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Prof. Dr. Lydia Bals
Lydia Bals

Prof. Dr. Lydia Bals

Fachbereich Wirtschaft
Supply Chain & Operations Management
Fachbereich Wirtschaft
Professorin für BWL mit den Schwerpunkten Material/-Produktionswirtschaft, Logistik und Supply Chain Management

Hochschule Mainz
Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2
55128 Mainz

Raum M3.08

Nach Vereinbarung



Prof. Dr. Lydia Bals is Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management at University of Applied Sciences Mainz since 2014 and currently an external Post Doctoral Research Fellow at EBS Universität. She is also affiliated with Copenhagen Business School for research since 2008. She moreover works as an independent consultant, moderator and speaker. Until end of 2013 she was Head of the Department Global Procurement Solutions (e.g. Procurement Strategy, Sustainability, Controlling, Source2Contract and Purchase2Pay Processes, Methods, Tools & Systems; Benchmarking and Excellence) at Bayer CropScience (BCS) AG. Moreover, she was steering the international Procurement Solutions network in Germany, United States/Canada, France, India, China and Brazil. In this role she was also a key contact for BCS’s Supply Chain organization and participated in various internal projects, e.g. the Supply Chain Flexibility Initiative. Prior to joining BCS she worked as a Project Manager at Bayer Business Consulting, Germany, the inhouse consulting unit of Bayer, driving projects in the functional areas of Sales, R&D, Controlling and Procurement in various countries (e.g. Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Italy and France). One of the major projects was the design and implementation of a new procurement organization for Bayer’s different business units and countries. She teaches Purchasing & Supply Management, Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management courses. She has published in the Journal of International Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management and other academic outlets.


Publications (journals) 

Journal publications

1. Schulze, Heike/Bals Lydia (forthcoming): Implementing sustainable purchasing and supply management (SPSM): A Delphi study on competences needed by purchasing and supply management professionals, accepted at Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management.

2. Wieland, Andreas/Bals, Lydia/ Mol, Michael/Handfield, Robert (2020): Global Sourcing: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Journal of International Management, Volume 26, Issue 1, 100709.

3. Bals, L., Schulze, H., Kelly, S., & Stek, K. (2019): Purchasing and supply management (PSM) competencies: Current and future requirements, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Volume 25, Issue 5, 100572.

4. Tate, Wendy/ Bals, Lydia/ Bals, Cristof/ Foerstl, Kai (2019): Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 149, 115-129.

5. Tate, Wendy/Bals, Lydia/Marshall, Donna (2019): Supply chain management at the base of the pyramid, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 49, Issue 5, 438-450.

6. Schulze, Heike/Bals, Lydia/Johnsen, Thomas (2019): Individual Competences for Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Management (SPSM): A Literature and Practice Perspective, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 49, Number 3, 287-304.

7. Lashitew, Addisu/Bals, Lydia/van Tulder, Robert (2020): Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of Embeddedness for Enabling Social Innovations, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 162, Issue 2, 421-448.

8. Goebel, Philipp/Reuter, Carsten/Pibernik, Richard/Sichtmann, Christina/Bals, Lydia (2018): Purchasing Managers’ Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Attributes that Constitute Sustainability, Journal of Operations Management, Volume 62, 44-58.

9. Fayezi, Sajad/Zomorrodi, Maryam/Bals, Lydia (2018): Procurement Sustainability Tensions: An Integrative Perspective, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 48, Issue 6, 586-609.

10. Tate, Wendy/Bals, Lydia (2018): Achieving Shared Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Value Creation: Toward a Social Resource-Based View (SRBV) of the Firm, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 152, Number 3, 803-826.

11. Bals, Lydia/Laine, Jari/Mugurusi, Godfrey (2018): Evolving Procurement Organizations: External and Internal fit Considerations, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Volume 24, Number 1, 41-58.

12. Bals, Lydia/Tate, Wendy (2018): Sustainable Supply Chain Design (SSCD) in Social Businesses: Advancing the Theory of Supply Chain, Journal of Business Logistics, Volume 39, Number 1, 57-79.

13. Bals, Lydia/Turkulainen, Virpi (2017): Achieving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Purchasing and Supply Management: Organization Design and Outsourcing, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Volume 23, Number 4, 256-267. JPSM best paper 2017 award.

14. Mugurusi, Godfrey/Bals, Lydia (2017): Purchasing and Supply Organization in Transition: An Exploratory case of Offshoring Within a Global Engineering Company, Operations Management Research, Volume 10, Number 1, 64-83.

15. Tate, Wendy/Bals, Lydia (2017): Outsourcing/Offshoring Insights: Going Beyond Reshoring to Rightshoring, Special Issue Editorial in of International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 47, Number (2/3), 106-113.

16. Bals, Lydia/Kirchoff, Jon F./Foerstl, Kai (2016): Exploring the Reshoring and Insourcing Decision Making Process: Toward an Agenda for Future Research, accepted for publication at Operations Management Research Volume 9, Number 3-4, pp. 102-116.

17. Foerstl, Kai/Kirchoff, Jon F./Bals, Lydia (2016): Reshoring and Insourcing: Drivers and Future Research Directions, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Volume 46, Number 5, pp. 492-515. Nominated for AOM Carolyn Dexter (Best International Paper) award 2015. “Highly Commended” by the Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence 2017.

18. Coates, Matthew/Bals, Lydia (2013): External Innovation Implementation Determinants and Performance Measurement: A Case Study from the Pharmaceutical Industry. Technology and Investment, Volume 4, Number 2, pp. 131-143.

19. Tate, Wendy/Ellram, Lisa/ Bals, Lydia/Hartmann, Evi/Van der Valk, Wendy (2010): An Agency Theory Perspective on the Purchase of Marketing Services. Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 39, Issue 5, pp. 806-819.

20. Bals, Lydia/Hartmann, Evi/Ritter, Thomas (2009): Barriers of Purchasing Involvement in Marketing Service Procurement. Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 38, Issue 8, pp. 892-902.

21. Tate, Wendy/Ellram, Lisa/ Bals, Lydia/Hartmann, Evi (2009): Offshore Outsourcing of Services: An evolutionary perspective, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 120, Issue 2, pp. 512-524.

22. Trautmann, Gerhard/Turkulainen, Virpi/Hartmann, Evi/ Bals, Lydia (2009): Integration in the Global Sourcing Organization: An information processing perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management, Volume 45, Issue 2, pp. 57-74. Nominated for best paper award JSCM 2009.

23. Trautmann, Gerhard/Bals, Lydia/Hartmann, Evi (2009): Global Sourcing in Integrated Network Structures: The Case of Hybrid Purchasing Organizations. Journal of International Management. Volume 15, Issue 2, pp. 194-208.

24. Schmidberger, Stephan/Bals, Lydia/Hartmann, Evi/Jahns, Christopher (2009): Development of a Performance Measurement System for the Benchmarking of Ground Handling Services at European Hub Airports. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 117, Issue 1, pp. 104-116.

25. Hartmann, Evi/Bals, Lydia/Kaiser, Gernot (2008): The Impact of Internal Purchasing Resources and Capabilities on Low-cost Country Sourcing. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (Journal of Business Economics), Volume 78, Issue 4, pp. 31-54.

26. Jahns, Christopher/Hartmann, Evi/Lockström, Martin/Bals, Lydia (2007): The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence of the Role of Resources in a Global Sourcing Context. Die Unternehmung (Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice), Volume 61, Issue 3, pp. 213-226.

27. Jahns, Christopher/ Hartmann, Evi/Bals, Lydia (2006): Offshoring: Dimensions and diffusion of a new business concept. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 218-231.

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