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Feel the cringe

Filmabend der Fachrichtung Kommunikationsdesign

Vereint durch ein internationales Kurzfilmprojekt haben Studierende aus neun verschiedenen Ländern 30 einzigartige und unvergessliche Filme geschaffen. (englischsprachig)

WANN: 11. Mai 2023, ab 19.30 Uhr Empfang, ab 20.00 Uhr Filmabend
WO: Capitol Kino, Hintere Bleiche 6-8, 55116 Mainz

Life is full of embarrassing stories. / We all have embarrassing stories.

United by an international short film project, students from nine different countries have created 30 unique and unforgettable films. Casting a critical eye on our society, the films share a common dialogue: embarrassing moments exist everywhere. Be immersed in storytelling as these diverse film pieces explore „ Cringe“ in a variety of ways.

In an experimental film, a German student explores how our natural environment is being invaded by a world of concrete. Across the world, an amusing Israeli film reveals what obstacles you have to overcome with one leg shorter than the other. And what do people really think of you after you’re dead? Italian students may have the answer.

This one movie night you don’t want to miss.

Norbert Seemayer, Sylvie Pagé

(Bild: Maybe Today, Adam Kuperman)