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General Conditions

As a university of applied sciences, Mainz University of Applied Sciences does not have the right to award doctorates of its own.

Within the framework of a "cooperative doctorate", however, it is also possible to do a doctorate under the supervision of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. As a rule, a mentoring tandem consisting of a professor from the institution entitled to award the doctorate (university) and our university is formed.

The requirements for cooperation depend on the doctoral regulations of the university. The university also sets the requirements for the graduate. Despite the equality of master's degrees, the faculties and departments of the universities themselves regulate the details of admission requirements via their doctoral regulations. Here, requirements can be defined and the possible admission of diploma and bachelor graduates can be determined. Therefore, an individual review of the general conditions cannot be avoided.

Depending on the respective school at our university, contractually arranged possibilities for cooperative doctoral studies already exist.


Students or research assistants who are interested in pursuing a doctorate should approach a professor from the discipline in which they are particularly interested in order to discuss whether and with which cooperation partner they can work on their doctorate.

The Research & Transfer Department will answer general questions on the topic of doctoral studies.


Usually, candidates for admission to doctoral studies must have successfully completed a course of study (master's degree or diploma).

The detailed admission requirements are defined in the respective doctoral degree regulations of the cooperating university, and thus depend on the choice of the supervising person. It is especially important for prospective doctoral students who have earned their degrees abroad to carefully review the relevant doctoral degree regulations.

In exceptional cases, particularly qualified students can already be admitted to doctoral studies after successfully completing a bachelor's degree. This is also regulated by the doctoral regulations of the cooperating university.


The doctoral candidates decide on a possible topic together with their supervisors.


The duration of the doctorate depends on the individual circumstances of the doctoral student. On average, one should assume about four years.


Whether you have to pay tuition fees for a doctorate depends on the cooperating university. If you enroll as a doctoral student at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, you only have to pay the regular semester fee. At the end of the doctorate, you usually have to pay a graduation fee. Of course, living costs and other expenses related to the doctorate have to be covered.

Many doctoral students are employed at the university in research projects or at the department. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask the supervisor about internal funding options. In the case of an individual doctorate without employment, it is recommended that you inform yourself in advance about other financing options. The Research & Transfer Department gives information on this and assists with the application process.



No, enrollment as a doctoral student is not necessary, but can be an advantage. With the payment of the semester fee you receive the semester ticket and further benefits.


More Information
