Water laboratory at Mainz University of Applied Sciences

Photo: Katharina Dubno

Research Profile and Focal Points

This content is only partially available in English.

Research Profile

Strategy and Goals

Mainz University of Applied Sciences' strength lies in applied research and development. The diversity of professional competences is combined in the three schools of engineering, design and business. In addition, in the past years, the establishment of eight independent institutes, some of which have been in existence for more than 20 years, and other focal points of our work have set new standards in the field of applied research and development, which are implemented in collaboration with a large number of cooperation partners from scientific and research sectors, museums and industry. One of the factors responsible for the successful development is the close integration of research with the respective disciplines. At Mainz University of Applied Sciences, applied research is also viewed internally as a performance criterion and is rewarded, among other things, with a reduction in teaching time and a research bonus.


Research portals

www.rlp-forschung.de - SciPort RLP - The research portal of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate

Mainz University of Applied Sciences on SciPort.


Anett Mehler-Bicher
Vice President Research & Transfer
T +49 6131 628-7011
Elke Bruck
Head of Department Research & Transfer
T +49 6131 628-7377