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CIM | Campus Informationsportal Mainz

Degree Programs

Get-to-know-us offers (only available in German)

Kinderuni (only available in German)

Student Advisory Services

Studying in Mainz

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Learning & Exams

Big Blue Button | virtual class rooms (only available in German)


CIM | Campus Information Mainz

LinkedIn Learning | Video-Tutorials (only available in German)

OPAC | Library Catalog, Mainz University of Applied Sciences (only available in German)

OpenOLAT | Online Learning and Training

Examinations | The Examination boards of the schools

Research possibilities | Databases and electronic media

Reviewing of tests | access only at the university or via VPN 

Language Center | Language classes, language tests and summer schools


Intranet access | internal

Panopto | Video server

think-cell | presentation suite for Microsoft Office

Virtual Lab | virtual computer poole (only available in German)

VPN | remote access to university applications (only available in German)

Webmailer | emails & calendar

Zoom | Video conference


Buchung studentischer Arbeitsplätze | coronabedingte Arbeitsplatzbuchung (only available in German)

First Steps | Important information for new students

Mein Studienverlauf | Academic success management | access only at the university or via VPN

UniNow | App for studies and career

Staff members

First Steps | Important information for staff members (only available in German)

teacher networking | inter-university networking and didactic exchange (only available in German)

Zeiterfassung | internal