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Mainz Science Fair 2024

Mainz Science Fair

University institutes provided insights into current research projects

For the 22nd time, scientific institutions from Mainz and the surrounding area showcased themselves at the Mainz Science Market on September 7 and 8. Mainz University of Applied Sciences was once again an integral part of the event, which attracted numerous visitors to Gutenbergplatz under the motto People and Growth. In perfect weather, the tents and stage provided an ideal platform to make current research projects and innovations accessible to a wide audience.

In the opening session of the Science Market, Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman, President of Mainz University of Applied Sciences and board member of the Mainz Science Alliance, emphasized the key importance of science and collaboration with industry partners as the key to innovation and social development. Together with Nino Haase, Mayor of Mainz, Ministry Department Head Katharina Heil from the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Science and Health, and Markus Müller, Director of the Mainz State Theater, she emphasized how essential this collaboration is for promoting growth and innovation in the region. Examples from Mainz and the surrounding area illustrated how successful collaborations strengthen the innovative spirit of the region and drive sustainable developments forward.

Highlights from Mainz University of Applied Sciences at Gutenbergplatz

Within the landscape of tents, various institutes of Mainz University of Applied Sciences presented their current research findings and offered hands-on activities:

  • Cuneiform writing and urban revolution: The Institute for Spatial Information and Surveying Technology (i3mainz) and Mainz Ancient Near Eastern Studies presented their research on cuneiform texts from an ancient metropolitan region in what is now southwest Iran. One special highlight for visitors was the chance to create their own cuneiform tablets. There were also exciting hands-on activities for children, such as unrolling scroll seals.
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): At the i3mainz booth, visitors learned how AI models work. Interactive examples were used to illustrate why the explainability of machine learning models is so important. Visitors were able to try out various methods of 3D data acquisition with cameras and discover the differences for themselves.
  • 3D reconstruction of the Great Jupiter Column of Mainz: In collaboration with the Mainz State Museum (Landesmuseum Mainz), the Institute for Media Design (img) presented a virtual reconstruction of the 9-meter-high Jupiter Column. Thanks to 3D scans from i3mainz, animations, and 3D prints, visitors were able to experience the column with all its details.
  • mainzed – digitality in the humanities: The Mainz Center for Digitality in the Humanities and Cultural Studies (mainzed) invited guests to take part in an exciting quiz that made the digital connections in the research network visible.
  • Mycelial Space: The Gutenberg Design Lab (idg) presented the transdisciplinary project Mycelial Space, which explores the potential of fungi. One particular highlight was the quiz on mycological knowledge, which piqued the interest of visitors.

EMPOWER – hands-on activities focusing on megatrends

The EMPOWER collaborative project, an association of five universities of applied sciences in Rhineland-Palatinate, presented its pilot projects on the megatrend topics of sustainability, health, cyber security, connectivity, and new work in a creative way in its own tent. The topic of connectivity, which is based at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, is all about networking through digital infrastructures. The network manager and coordinator, Dr. Susanne Weiß-Wittstadt, sums up EMPOWER's appearance at the 22nd Science Market as follows: "The wide range of megatrend- related hands-on activities, a dedicated team, and the great atmosphere in the EMPOWER tent ensured that we engaged with numerous visitors from all age groups. There was something exciting for everyone, from young to old. The EMPOWER team succeeded in presenting the topics being researched by the cross-university network to a wide audience in a visually striking way and also took part in the stage program - in keeping with the event's overarching motto: hands-on science."

Project presentation: “Entrepreneurial Learning in Venture Studios”

Mainz University of Applied Sciences was also featured in the stage program. On Saturday, Matthias Neumann presented the topic of “Entrepreneurial Learning in Venture Studios” as part of an EMPOWER project. The first day was hosted by Julia Schneider from Mainz University of Applied Sciences, whose moderation ensured that the stage program was lively and informative.

The next event for people interested in science is the Science Slam, followed by the monthly Science Schoppe organized by the Mainz Science Alliance. Mainz University of Applied Sciences will be represented in December by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rank and Jacqueline Zwiener from the School of Business, who will be presenting the Workplace CSR analysis tool.