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Global trouble spots

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Statement by Mainz University of Applied Sciences

Mainz University of Applied Sciences stands for openness, tolerance and respect toward one another – across all national borders. We are deeply shocked and appalled by the recent brutal attacks of Hamas on Israel. Such a violent escalation of the conflict leaves us speechless, and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms.

Our sympathies go out to the many victims and their family and friends. Our solidarity goes out to all the Israeli people and especially to our partner universities, their students, and all their staff. Our thoughts are with the many victims and the families who mourn the dead, those who have been abducted, and those still missing.

Peace, democracy, and the freedom of academia are the foundation of our work. Unfortunately, this foundation is currently being denied to countless people around the world as a result of numerous crises. War has raged in Ukraine for far too long. There has been a significant decrease in news coverage of the protest movement in Iran recently, but the protests continue to take place in more subtle forms, and the regime continues to defend its power with sometimes brutal violence to this day. The earthquake in Turkey and Syria caused immeasurable suffering, with people losing loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. And after the recent earthquake in Afghanistan, people continue to fear for the lives of their loved ones. Women and girls in the affected regions are particularly at risk owing to the Taliban’s policies discriminating against women. Such conflicts, human rights violations, and natural disasters are representative of far too many other trouble spots around the world that are not presently receiving our attention.

Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathy are with all those who have been affected by these disasters. Our sympathies also go out to all people at the University who are personally affected because they have loved ones in the aforementioned countries. The willingness of University members to do something for those affected continues to be great, even if not every personal gesture of support is visible, as it takes place quietly.

We are deeply concerned about the welfare of the families and loved ones of members of the University who are at home in the affected countries. We remain in continuous close contact with the affected members of the University so that we can provide assistance accordingly.