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[Translate to English:] „Forum“-Sonderausgabe zum digitalen Sommersemester 2020

A special edition of Forum for the 2020 online summer semester
A media design student zooming in from Valencia to direct a live broadcast of Mainz Unterhaus theater, the staff of the Model Construction Workshop working with 3D printers in their home offices to produce protective visors for doctors' offices and hospitals, students and faculty from all three schools working together in a hackathon to develop ideas for campus life online - these are just a few examples of the creative dedication with which Mainz University of Applied Sciences has risen to the challenges posed by the online summer semester. Learning from and with each other, utilizing creative freedom and pulling together in a common effort was the motto. This has brought us together across the boundaries of disciplines, created new connections and provided innovative impetus that we will also continue to benefit from in the future.  In a special digital edition of our university magazine Forum found under (in German), we have compiled best practice examples from this summer semester, in which we hear from teachers and students, plus staff from the Library, Building Management and International Office service departments.