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Successful graduates

The Chamber of Engineers of Rhineland-Palatinate honors the best graduates in their degree programs at Mainz University of Applied Sciences

The Chamber of Engineers of Rhineland-Palatinate honors the best graduates in their degree programs at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, from left: Jan Thielen, Tim Bullerschen, Giulia Lachnitt, Jan Hecker, Lars Bauer and Helen Paulus Copyright: Markus Schöllhorn / Lichtblicke Mainz

Civil Engineering honors graduates

On Saturday, June 17, 2023, Mainz University of Applied Sciences held its Academic Graduation Ceremony for the degree programs in the Department of Civil Engineering. More than 350 guests, including students, their families and friends, professors and lecturers were on hand to appropriately celebrate this significant milestone. The event marked the proud culmination of the graduates’ academic careers.

During the ceremony, a total of 95 students from a total of seven bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in Civil Engineering were honored for their outstanding academic success. After inspiring speeches by Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman, President of Mainz University of Applied Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Alfons Buchmann, Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering, each graduate was individually called to the stage and personally congratulated by their program director. In addition to these individual recognitions, numerous awards and honors were presented at this year’s graduation ceremony:

  • The DAAD Prize for outstanding achievement of a foreign student went to Ali Hosseini Nouroz
  • The Karl Gemünden Prize went to Leonard Maximilian Müller
  • The Karl Gemünden Climate Protection Award went to Vera Cebulla and Justine Schork
  • The Karriè Award went to Viviane Urrmann
  • The best students of the year in the specialization of Construction Operations by the company OBG Hochbau GmbH & Co. KG: Lea Böhle and Erik Hille
  • Honoring of the best graduates by the State Chamber of Engineers of Rhineland-Palatinate: Helen Paulus (Bachelor Civil Engineering), Giulia Lachnitt (Bachelor Building and Property Management/Facilities Management), Lars Bauer and Jan Hecker (both Bachelor Industrial Engineering), Tim Bullerschen and Jan Thielen (both Master Building and Property Management/Facilities Management).

Following the accolades, Maximilian Kiefer, long-time chairman of the AStA student council and member of the Construction Department Student Council, took the stage and entertained those present with a lively speech entitled 10 semesters of standard study time - the best 7 years of our lives. His rousing presentation drew smiles and applause from the room.

The Academic Graduation Ceremony provided an opportunity for graduates to share their experiences and memories with fellow students and faculty. It was an emotional and festive moment that highlighted the close ties and bonds within the Civil Engineering student community.

The graduation ceremony of the degree programs of the Department of Civil Engineering is an important milestone for the graduates. With the knowledge and skills they have acquired, they are now well equipped to successfully begin their careers in the construction industry. Mainz University of Applied Sciences is proud to have helped train these talented and dedicated graduates.