- Press release of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Interior and Sport (in German):
Start für neues „Kombiniertes Studium angewandte Informatik“ - Article on Süddeutsche.de (in German): Neuer Studiengang für IT-Experten in Polizei und Verwaltung
- Career information on Karriere.rlp.de (in German): Informatikerin/Informatiker (m/w/d) der öffentlichen Verwaltung/ Public Informatics-"Bachelor of Science"- Kombiniertes Studium "Angewandte Informatik (öffentlicher Dienst)"
- Mainz University of Applied Sciences: Applied Informatics Dual (Civil Service) (in German)
- Mainz University of Applied Sciences: Live video chat on Applied Informatics (Nov. 24, 2020, 5 p.m.) (in German)

The degree program directors, Prof. Dr. Thomas Klauer and Prof. Dr. Markus Nauroth will present the bachelor's degree programs Applied Informatics and Applied Informatics Dual (Civil Service) On November 24th in a live video chat. (Photo: Angelika Stehle)
Last week the first students in the new degree program Applied Informatics Dual (Civil Service) began their studies at Mainz University of Applied Sciences.
The interdepartmental dual bachelor's degree program is aimed at all those interested in the latest developments in information technology. It offers insights into basic topics such as programming and databases, as well as selected, in-depth areas of specialization, including IT security and intelligent systems.
Parallel to their studies, the students acquire the qualification as a Computer Scientist in Public Administration/Public Informatics at a cooperating public authority as part of the training in their career track in the entry level of the third service class (civil servant in Higher Intermediate Service).
The degree program comprises six semesters and concludes with the international degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). The Bachelor of Science of Mainz University of Applied Sciences is an accredited and internationally recognized degree that qualifies the holder for admission to a master's degree program.
Prospective students must first apply to a cooperating partner of the university. The information event Live video chat on Applied Informatics (in German) on November 24, 2020, 5 p.m. will provide information on the application procedure and the degree program and offer prospective students the opportunity to ask questions.
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