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University strategy

Presentation of the interim results
The strategic development process has begun

Mainz University of Applied Sciences has started a strategic development process, which will culminate in the formulation of the University Development Plan (HEP). Numerous internal discussions with an external team of consultants have already taken place as part of the university’s analysis of its current situation.

On October 27, 2022, the results of these initial discussions were presented at an information event open to the university public, followed by a get-together. Afterwards, the further steps of the process were explained to all interested parties on site in the university auditorium and to those who joined the meeting online, and questions and comments were discussed. Further internal and external discussions are planned in the coming weeks to gain a complete overall picture.

The Executive Board would like to express its thanks for the enthusiastic and constructive participation in the strategic development process of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.