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Providing expert advice is often a balancing act

The award winners: (from left) Sonja Schloss, Christine Held, Tanja Fuchs. Lola Coenen with laudator Claudia Hubert. Photo: Gregor Schläger

Exam Management Department honored with Kurt Dörr Prize 2023

Sonja Schloss, Lola Coenen, Tanja Fuchs, and Christine Held were honored with the 500 Euro Kurt Dörr Prize 2023. For many years now, it has become a tradition for Alumnity e.V. to award this prize at the Academic Graduation Ceremony to individuals who have rendered outstanding personal service and commitment to the School of Business. This year, the decision was made in favor of the Exam Management Department.

Claudia Huberti, who presented the award, emphasized that the staff members working in the area of academic guidance often have to manage a balancing act between the requirements of the exam regulations and the individual requirements of the students. She went on to explain that a demanding and complex system changeover was undertaken last year, which entailed major challenges. The team members overcame these challenges with exceptional personal dedication.

“We would like to thank you for your professional guidance and support of the students, which is characterized by a high level of expertise, as well as for your great personal efforts during the complex system changeover,” emphasized Claudia Huberti, who served as Chair of Alumnity for many years.

About the Kurt Dörr Award: Kurt Dörr, who gave the award its name, played a central role in the establishment of the former Fachhochschule Mainz. In 1964, he founded the Staatliche Höhere Wirtschaftsfachschule, the forerunner of the School of Business. Dörr was instrumental in ensuring that the business degree programs were on equal footing with the engineering degree programs when the university was founded. This award was established in his honor. All award winners have one thing in common: They have made an exceptional contribution to the School of Business and in doing so have had a highly positive impact, in the spirit of the award’s namesake.