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KOSEKO Workshops


Seminars to enhance self-learning skills

In the 2023/2024 winter semester, students from all schools can once again attend free workshops as part of the KOSEKO (Kooperation Selbstlernkompetenz = cooperation for self-study skills) program. The aim of the seminars is to provide participants with basic skills for successful studies.


  •  11/06/2023 (6-7pm): Introduction to working digitally
  • 11/24/2023 (2-6 pm): Learning made easy
  • 11/27/2023 (3-4 pm): Introduction to LaTeX
  • 12/01/2023 (4-5:30 pm): Educational sustainability
  • 12/18/2023 (5-6:30 pm): Scientific papers: central question and outline

Since space is limited for all sessions, we recommend that you register promptly by emailing koseko (at)

The KOSEKO seminar series is a collaboration between Mainz University of Applied Sciences and Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences. The free online seminars focusing on self-study skills are aimed at bachelor’s and master’s students from all schools. At present they are only available in German.

For more information on current workshops: KOSEKO