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Construction industry university prize

Construction Industry University Prize winners

Lukas Stallmann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Freiboth (Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mainz University of Applied Sciences) and Lara Müller, from left to right.

Students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering win first two places

At this year’s award ceremony for the Rhineland-Palatinate Construction Industry University Prize, which took place on April 25, 2024 at the Favorite Parkhotel in Mainz, two students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mainz University of Applied Sciences were honored. Lara Müller and Lukas Stallmann were awarded first and second prize in the civil engineering category for their outstanding bachelor’s theses.

Lara Müller received first prize for her bachelor’s thesis in the Civil Engineering degree program. Her thesis entitled Analyse zur Nutzung der BIM-5D-Methode zur Prozessoptimierung des Qualitätscontrollings und Mängelmanagement im Schlüsselfertig-Wohnungsbau (Analysis of the use of the BIM-5D method for process optimization of quality controlling and management of defects in turnkey residential construction) dealt with the identification of potential for improvement in the processes surrounding quality and defect management. The introduction of suitable BIM software is intended to significantly simplify the tasks involved and offer employees added value. In addition, her focus was on the high-quality preservation of evidence during the construction phase. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Jochen Lüer and Mr. Oliver Daum, B.Eng., BIM Manager and Team Leader BIM 5D at Ed. Züblin AG Direktion Mitte Frankfurt.

Lukas Stallmann was awarded second prize for his bachelor’s thesis entitled Baubetriebliche Herausforderungen der EU-Bauproduktionsverordnung im Schlüsselfertig-Wohnungsbau aus Sicht eines Generalunternehmers (Construction management challenges of the EU Construction Products Regulation in turnkey residential construction from the perspective of a general contractor). In his thesis, Mr. Stallmann developed a concept on how to digitally implement the requirements that arise for a general contractor under the 16 versions of the state building regulations with regard to the EU Construction Products Regulation. The digital goods procurement platform CATHAGO was a key component here. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Jochen Lüer and Dipl.-Ing. Tim Gemünden from the construction company Karl Gemünden GmbH & Co. KG.

Every year, the Rhineland-Palatinate Construction Industry University Prize recognizes the outstanding achievements of young architects and young engineers. This prestigious competition is held state-wide and attracts students from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and the Universities of Applied Sciences in Koblenz, Mainz, Kaiserslautern, and Trier. The award not only emphasizes the participants' innovative and relevant work, but also promotes excellence and a competitive spirit among the leading technical universities in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

These awards emphasize the high quality of teaching in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the dedication of the students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. They also demonstrate the university’s successful collaboration with leading companies in the construction industry. The success of our students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences reinforces the university’s commitment to practical and forward-thinking education.