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Festive project launch

Festive Launch of the “International Young Professionals Academy” (IYPA). Photo: Sven-Helge Czichy/© Mainz University of Applied Sciences

“International Young Professionals Academy” kicks off

The International Young Professionals Academy (IYPA) was officially launched at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in the LUX Pavilion on June 13, 2024. With its International Young Professionals Academy (IYPA), Mainz University of Applied Sciences is now launching a project that enables international students to complete supplementary training alongside their studies, providing them with further qualifications and individual support in the job market within four semesters.

Over 15 percent of students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences are international. And many of the roughly 800 international students can imagine staying in the region after graduation if the career prospects are promising. The International Young Professionals Academy has now been established to help international students make the transition from studying to the world of work as smoothly as possible. It is a modular support program that admits 30 international students per year and prepares them for a successful career start.

The Academy has three goals:

  1. Academic success: improving German language skills and abilities in working scientifically, as well as a peer-to-peer mentoring program
  2. Job market qualification: English-language workshops to improve job application skills
  3. Transition into the employment market: including establishing connections with partner companies, internship placement, matching events

During the opening ceremony, University President Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman welcomed the professors from the various schools of the university, interested staff, and representatives from partner companies and institutions such as BioNTech, the Mainz Economic Development Agency and the Mainz Employment Agency (AfA). Gabriel Belinga Belinga, Head of the International Office, and Prof. Dr. Daniel Porath, International Coordinator of the School of Business and Program Director of the English-language master’s degree program in International Business, shared a look at the project’s goals and upcoming endeavors. Afterwards, everyone toasted the future success of the IYPA over sparkling wine and canapés.

International approach and local ties in the entrepreneurial environment

Working together with the collaborative entrepreneurial network at a highly attractive location to ensure that international talent finds its way to Mainz and takes off in the region: With the IYPA, Mainz University of Applied Sciences wants to show how well an international approach and local ties in the entrepreneurial environment can be combined during the project period from 2024 to 2028.

The Academy is the result of a successful application as part of the DAAD program FIT - Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt (2024-2028). The funding framework is approximately 940,000 Euros.

More on the topic

DAAD application: Almost one million Euro to attract international students as skilled personnel for the region (published March 15, 2024)