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New appointees get together

New type of event for professors

To welcome all newly appointed professors to Mainz University of Applied Sciences, a first-ever meet-up was organized on June 15, 2023, during which the newly appointed professors were able to get to know not only one another, but also members of the University Executive Board and representatives from teaching, research, and transfer..

University President Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman, together with Chancellor Jens Egler, welcomed all participants in the afternoon at the Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Literature Mainz and was pleased that such a meeting could finally take place after the restrictions of previous years. Julia Schneider moderated the program.

After a round of discussions during which the participants got to know one another and already had their first discussions about common (research) interests, Prof. Torsten Schrade, Academy Professor for Digital Humanities at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, provided insight into his own career and offered personal advice for all newly appointed professors, stating “Network, look for opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration!” During a subsequent coffee break in the bright sunshine in the Academy’s inner courtyard, those present had the opportunity to do just that.

Afterwards, the staff of the Competence Center for Innovation in Studies and Teaching and the Research & Transfer Department introduced themselves, gave an overview of their support services and were available to answer questions. The two departments were accompanied by Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Anett Mehler-Bicher and Prof. Kerstin Molter.

In the last part of the program, the University President once again addressed the current developments in the university’s strategy process and appealed to the participants, “Help shape the future, because today you are already determining the course for tomorrow.”

The afternoon ended with a small champagne reception in the Academy's inner courtyard.

The event was organized as part of the Zukunft: Karriereweg HAW-Professur (Future: University of Applied Sciences professorship career path) project in collaboration with Human Resources Development.