The implementation of the EU taxonomy in real estate financing is currently one of the major challenges facing the finance and construction industry, a challenge that still has many question marks. To work out joint solutions and strategies in this area, the Real Estate Financial Colloquium was held for the first time on November 7 on the initiative of Professor Dr. Axel Freiboth (Professor of Construction Management at Mainz University of Applied Sciences) and Professor Dr. Dirk Heithecker (Professor of Quantitative Methods and Corporate Finance at Hannover University of Applied Sciences).
The event is the start of an interdisciplinary and inter-university initiative for the implementation of the EU taxonomy in the real estate and finance industry.
Some 30 guests from banks, savings banks, asset holders and project developers in the construction industry took part in the kick-off event at the Lux Pavillon in downtown Mainz to learn about and discuss the topic of EU taxonomy in real estate finance. The two hosts, Professor Dr. Freiboth and Professor Dr. Heithecker, moderated the program.
After a short welcome by Professor Dr. Freiboth, Professor Dr. Heithecker began the colloquium with a specialized presentation on Impulse der nachhaltigen Finanzwirtschaft auf das Immobiliengeschäft (Impulses of sustainable finance on the real estate business). This was followed by two talks by Tim-Oliver Engelke from Sparkasse Düsseldorf and Patrick Lange from CA Immobilien. Tim-Oliver Engelke focused on EU-Taxonomie im Umfeld des Immobiliengeschäfts eines Kreditinstituts (EU taxonomy in the environment of the real estate business of a credit institute), and Patrick Lange shed light on the topic from the point of view of a project developer.
The high level of interest among the participants about the implementation of the EU taxonomy in the real estate industry was shown by the multitude of questions from the audience following the presentations and the high participation in the subsequent discussion. Speakers and guests concluded the evening together over Weck, Worscht & Woi.
Authors: Frank Georg Reis / Claudia Schröder