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Successful completion of doctorate

Hannah Hilgert researches voice marketing

On December 9, 2024, Hannah Hilgert successfully defended her dissertation at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. Entitled “Voice Marketing: The Potential of Voice Assistants as Tools for Marketing Communication”, her thesis examines the use of voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa as an innovative channel in marketing communication.

The cooperative doctoral project was supervised by Prof. Dr. Björn Ivens (University of Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Isabelle Hillebrandt (Mainz University of Applied Sciences), and Prof. Dr. Philipp Rauschnabel (University of Bamberg/University of the Bundeswehr Munich).

Her dissertation provides groundbreaking findings for both the scientific community and in the field of practice. Key findings include the structuring of the research field of voice marketing, the analysis of the effect of voice assistants on brands, and the development of a model for measuring the marketing effects of third-party skills.

We would like to congratulate Hannah Hilgert on successfully completing her doctorate and wish her continued success!