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Digital teaching materials

Mainz University of Applied Sciences successful in state-wide funding program proposals

In late 2022, the Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate had invited the submission of project proposals for the opening of digital teaching materials to be funded under the OER funding program OpenEdu-Rhineland-Palatinate.

Mainz University of Applied Sciences successfully participated in this state-wide funding program with three out of four joint proposals and one individual proposal receiving funding. The sum of funding amounts to a total of 910,000 Euro, with 372,800 Euro going to Mainz University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with its partners. 

“Mainz University of Applied Sciences is pleased about the successful proposals, would like to thank all participants for their outstanding efforts, and wishes them every success in their implementation,” said Prof. Kerstin Molter, Vice President for Studies and Teaching.

The following proposals received funding

Kompetenzen für das Lehren mit digitalen und offenen Medien (Skills for teaching with digital and open media)
Joint proposal by Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Daniel Bayer, Competence Center Innovation in Teaching and Learning, and JGU, Dr. Michael Hansen, Nina Oehler
Funding amount: 140,000 Euro

FAIR-OER4RLP, “FAIRedelten” OER für die Vermittlung von umfassenden Kompetenzen im Bereich Data Literacy (FAIR-OER4RLP, "FAIRedelten" OER for teaching comprehensive competencies in the field of data literacy)
Joint proposal by Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kai-Christian Bruhn, and JGU, Prof. Dr. Cornelis Menke
Funding amount: 137,000 Euro

Explorative OERs im Bereich Computergrafik und VR (Exploratory OERs in the field of computer graphics and VR)
Joint proposal by Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Klaus Böhm, Prof. Dr. Mehler-Bicher, and Worms University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Alexander Wiebel, Prof. Dr. Oliver Gloger
Funding amount: 91,000 Euro

Erstellung von Blended Learning / Inverted Classroom mit Lerninhalten für die Grundlagen der 3D Animation (Creation of blended learning / inverted classroom with learning content for the basics of 3D animation)
Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Prof. David Scherr
Funding amount: 4,800 Euro

The Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate will present all funded submissions on its homepage in late January.