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Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um scholarship

A group of four people

Photo: Melanie Billian/©Mainz University of Applied Sciences

Mainz University of Applied Sciences in second place with students receiving scholarships in RLP

Almost 1500 students in Rhineland-Palatinate (RLP) received a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship last year. This is 8.2 percent more than the year before, according to the most recent press releases from the State Office of Statistics in Bad Ems. According to the report, Mainz University of Applied Sciences had the second-highest proportion of students awarded a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at 2.6 percent, followed by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz with two percent. Koblenz University of Applied Sciences has the highest proportion with 4.7 percent.

A new record in 2023: Mainz University of Applied Sciences supports 84 students with scholarships

In November 2023 Mainz University of Applied Sciences announced a new record in its scholarship program: In the scholarship year of 2023/2024, the number of students receiving scholarships at Mainz University of Applied Sciences will once again reach a new high. A total of 84 students from all three schools at Mainz University of Applied Sciences will receive the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship in the current funding period for their excellent academic achievements and exceptional extracurricular commitment.

Applications open until April 28 for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship in the 2024/2025 funding period

The funding period lasts one year and starts on September 1. Students who have already received a scholarship can also reapply, provided they are still within the standard period for completing their studies. Applications can be submitted from the first semester onwards. In addition to very good academic achievements, the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship also recognizes difficult circumstances in the educational history, for example being the first academic in a family, financial support from family or relatives, and social or community activities.

You can find more information on the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship and the application here:

The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at Mainz University of Applied Sciences

Mainz University of Applied Sciences has been participating in the nationwide scholarship program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2012. The aim of this program is to provide financial support to high-achieving and committed students to enable them to better exploit their potential and motivate more young people to pursue their studies. The recipients often also benefit from non-material and networking support measures such as workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs. Half of the financial support comes from federal funds and half from donations from private sponsors.