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Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um scholarship

Mainz University of Applied Sciences awards scholarships to 84 students

Another record in the scholarship program: In the current funding period, the number of students receiving scholarships at Mainz University of Applied Sciences has once again reached a new high. A total of 84 students from all three schools at Mainz University of Applied Sciences will be awarded the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship in the 2023/24 funding year for their very good academic performance and exceptional extracurricular commitment. This involves a monthly scholarship of 300 Euro, initially limited to two semesters. 150 Euro of this amount is subsidized by the German Federal Government, while the other half is provided by a private sponsor, such as a company, a foundation, or a private individual.

“We are delighted that we have been able to attract the highest number of scholarships this year since the introduction of this honor at our university. Our deepest thanks go to the sponsors who give young people the opportunity to receive a scholarship even in times of crises and inflation,” emphasized Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman, President of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Through the commitment of the foundations, it is possible to support students for whom there are not enough sponsors from the private sector, as well as to select students for the Deutschlandstipendium according to their qualifications without being tied to a specific discipline. “In view of their social responsibility, the foundations in particular have once again increased the number of scholarships they are funding this year. It is also very pleasing that 25 scholarship holders from last year will continue to receive funding. This shows the increasing acceptance of this form of support,” stated the University President.

A total of 35 companies and foundations are sponsoring the Deutschlandstipendium at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in 2023/2024, including six foundations and associations: the Alexander Karl-Stiftung, the Carl Zeiss Foundation, the Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz Stiftung, the Margret-Hölzemann-Begabten-Stiftung, the Mainzer Wissenschaftsstiftung, and the Sigi und Hans Meder Stiftung.

In addition to very good performance, the scholarship also acknowledges the following factors: social, political, and community involvement, involvement at the university, an unusual educational history, and studying in difficult circumstances, for example, in cases where family members have to be supported.

Mainz University of Applied Sciences has been participating in the nationwide scholarship program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2012. The aim of this program is to provide financial support to high-achieving and committed students to enable them to better exploit their potential and motivate more young people to pursue their studies. The recipients often also benefit from non-material and networking support measures such as workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs. Half of the financial support comes from federal funds and half from donations from private sponsors.

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