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BUZZER — Lecture series for designers on the professional practice

[Translate to English:] Sophia Rausch & Renée Kaiser

The Communication Design Department extends an invitation

The BUZZER  — Lecture Series for Designers on the Professional Practice seminar will once again feature great lectures this semester: On seven Wednesday evening dates, several speakers will give direct, open and condensed insights and answer your questions.

The lectures are recommended for students in the 5th semester and above.
Students from other disciplines are also welcome to attend.

Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Room H2.02
Holzstraße 36
55116 Mainz

10 April 2024*
Fabian Flüchter (Attorney, Bucerius Law School Hamburg; Associate, Hogan Lovells, Hamburg)
Einführung ins Markenrecht (Introduction to Trademark Law)

17 April 2024*
Fabian Flüchter (Rechtsanwalt, Bucerius Law School Hamburg; Associate, Hogan Lovells, Hamburg)
Einführung ins Urheberrecht (Introduction to Copyright Law)

24 April 2024
Christian Silber und Carlo Müller-Hopp (Honey Studio, Mainz):
Projektmanagement/Kalkulation (Project Management/Costing)

8 Mai 2024
Kathrin Dupré-Hock (Head of Digitalization Projects at Mainz University of Applied Sciences):
Work-Life Balance

15 Mai 2024
Stefan Oliver Schmidt (Executive Creative Director, Kastner Agency, Frankfurt):
Selbstvermarktung/Portfolio (Marketing Yourself/Your Portfolio)

22 Mai 2024
Prof. Dr. Elmar D. Konrad (Professor of Interdisciplinary Start-up Management and Creative Entrepreneurship, Director of the iuh at Mainz University of Applied Sciences):
Selbstständigkeit und Gründung (Felf-employment and Start-ups)

5 Juni 2024
Miriam Preissinger (Executive Creative Director, Cheil Germany, Frankfurt):
Präsentieren (Presenting)

An event organized by the degree program: Bachelor in Communication Design

The lectures are open to the university public.
*The first two dates will take place on Zoom. You will receive the link after registering by sending an email to:

Poster design: Sophia Rausch & Renée Kaiser (5th semester, Bachelor in Communication Design)


Click here to go to the degree program website: Communication Design