Wolf Gutjahr
Prof. Wolf Gutjahr teaches Scenography, Scenic Space and Design Fundamentals at Interior Design at Interior and Spatial Design Department / School of Design.
He grew up in Munich, assisted at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, the Frankfurt Opera and the Toneelgroep Amsterdam and studied Scenography (Diploma) at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe.
He has been working internationally as a scenographer and stage and costume designer for musical theatre and drama since 1994.
Wolf Gutjahr conceives, researches and realises dramaturgically structured, scenic-performative work spaces. These do not exist as artistic self-purposes, but formulate site- and media-specific, interdisciplinary platforms for creative, artistic and media forms of expression.
He is a member of the Selection Committee Architecture Worldwide of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and of the Foundation Board of the Haus des Erinnerns - für Demokratie und Akzeptanz Mainz.