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Sabine Daniel
Sabine Daniel

Sabine Daniel

School of Business
Teaching: Human Resource Management
School of Business
Research Assistant

School of Business
Research Assistant

Hochschule Mainz
Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2
55128 Mainz

Room C1.09
Consultation hours:

No fixed consulting hours


Academic Background 

since 10/2019 PhD-student, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen - Nuremberg

10/1991 - 11/1996
Diploma (equivalent to MSc) in Business Administration at Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt
Diploma (equivalent to MSc) in Vocational Education at Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt

Professional Experience 

since 09/2023 Lecturer European Business School
since 10/2017 Lecturer and Academic Assistant, University of Applied Science, Mainz, Business School

2014 - 2018 Global People Manager and Member of Mgmt. Team, Deutsche Bank AG, Group Management Consulting

1999 - 2014 Consultant / Project Manager / Director and Member of Mgmt. Team, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, Inhouse Consulting

1997 - 1999 Academic Assistant, University of Applied Science, Darmstadt, Department of Computer Science


Conference Contributions 

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2024, September 16-19). Nachteilige Auswirkungen einer differenzierten transformationalen Führung auf die Mitarbeiterfluktuation: Untersuchung der Rolle des affektiven Commitments als zugrunde liegender Wirkmechanismus. Paper presentation at 53. Congress German Psychological Society (accepted), Vienna, Austria;

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2024, August 9-13). The Detrimental Effect of Differentiated Transformational Leadership on Employee Turnover: Examining the Role of Affective Commitment as an Underlying Mechanism. Paper presentation at 84th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA;

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2024, June 25-28). How Can Differentiation be Detrimental? The Effect of Differentiated Transformational Leadership on Employee Turnover and the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment. Paper presentation at European Academy of Management, Bath, UK

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2024, May 1-4). Exploring Underlying Processes of the Detrimental Effects of Differentiated Transformational Leadership from a Social Comparison Theory Perspective. Paper presentation at 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2023, April 12-14). The Dual Role of Team Commitment: Mediator of Team-focused Leadership on Intent to Leave and “Absorber” of Detrimental Effects of Differentiated Individual-focused Leadership. Paper presentation at NEOMA Leadership Conference, Reims, France;

Daniel, S., Moser, K. & Rank, S. (2022). Proximal and Distal Outcomes of Team-focused Leadership and Differentiated Individual-focused Leadership: Development and Test of a Group-level Model. In C. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Ed.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (712–713). Pabst Science Publishers.

Daniel, S. (1998). Impact of the use of information technology on working subjects and working environment in banking. In CREIS Informations Society (board), Looking ahead: Proceedings.

Journals and Books 

Daniel, S. (2000). Verbreitung und Einsatz von Workflow-Management-Systemen in Banken. In M. Rebstock, G. Weber & S. Daniel (Hrsg.), Informationstechnologie in Banken: Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen (S. 61–77). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Daniel, S. & Prill, M. (2000). Workflow-Management-Systeme: Kriterienkatalog zur Auswahl geeigneter Geschäftsprozesse. In M.
Rebstock, M., Weber, G. & Daniel, S. (Hrsg.). (2000). Informationstechnologie in Banken: Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Daniel, S. (1999). Decentralizzazione dei servizi die pàgamento documentati: l'esperienza di Deutsche Bank. In M. Sorrentino (Hrsg.), Tecnologie, organizzazione e lavoro nel settore bancario (S. 71–87). Franco Angeli

Daniel, S. (1998). Impacts of the use of information technology on working subjects and working environment in banking. In CREIS Informations Society (Hrsg.), Looking ahead: Proceedings.

Daniel, S. (1998). Die Rolle von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in modularen Unternehmen — eine agency-theoretische Betrachtung. In R. Bischoff, K. Hartmann, K.-U. Jahn, J.-A. Müller, H. K. Rieder & B. Stork (Hrsg.), Von der Informationsflut zum Information Brokering: Proceedings zum Leipziger Symposium ’98 (S. 73–88). Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.

Weber, G. & Daniel, S. (1997). Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Informationstechnologien auf Organisations- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen im Bankwesen. In M. Jarke, K. Pasedach & K. Pohl (Hrsg.), Informatik aktuell. Informatik ’97 Informatik als Innovationsmotor: 27. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik Aachen, 24.-26. September 1997 (S. 380–381). Springer.


Rebstock, M., Weber, G. & Daniel, S. (Hrsg.). (2000). Informationstechnologie in Banken: Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


Leadership and Commitment of Employees and Teams

PhD Thesis at FAU Erlangen - Nuremberg, Prof. Dr. Klaus Moser; Co-advisor at Hochschule Mainz is Prof. Dr. Susanne Rank ***** CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Launch of second survey on July 06, 2021.

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