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Prof. Anja Stöffler

Prof. Anja Stöffler

School of Design | Department of Media Design
Digital Design
(Moving Images)
Head of Institute for Media Design,
University Council Member
School of Design | Department of Media Design
Professor of Digital Design

Hochschule Mainz
Wallstraße 11
55122 Mainz

Room W1.23
Consultation hours:

Please make an appointment by e-mail.




Digital Design (Moving Images)
Animation | Motion-Design

Prof. Anja Stöffler has been teaching digital design for the at Mainz University since 2001. She currently heads the Institute for Media Design. Among her other responsibilities, she researches and implements projects for museums as well as for the film and media industries. In addition, she has made a name in the realm of animation for digital, dynamic media as well as moving typography/motion graphics in particular, including the already frequently displayed and distinguished retrospective exhibition Moving Types – Letters in Motion. Her emphases for instruction and research comprise applied and experimental structuring solutions with consideration of the moving image and motion design for various output media and output dimensions. She is the curator in the area of practical art and takes responsibility for the international media festival, “MOTYF – Gutenberg goes Media” 2016 in Mainz and Warsaw, 2021 in Wellington/New Zealand. Before she was appointed at Mainz, the Communication Design major held management positions at renowned television stations such as RTL, Arte and ZDF. Additionally, she was the Experience Network Lead at Razorfish, Germany. In Mainz she occupied the direction of the Media Design program (Time-based Design) with the core competencies “Film/Video Interaction and 2d/3d animation”. During this time, the program was expanded and the number of students doubled. Prof. Stöffler and Prof. Ralf Dringenberg both direct the z zg – Zentrum Zeitbasierte Gestaltung (Centre for Time Based Design), which they co-founded in 2010 at the FH Mainz (now Mainz University) and the University of Applied Science Schwäbisch Gmünd.



Gutenberg goes Media - Text and Poetry in Motion (eBook) 

Editors: Anja Stöffler, Ralf Dringenberg

Type of publication: eBook
Technical requirements:
Multimedia eBook in EPUB3 format for playback on mobile devices (iOS via iBooks, Android via Adobe© Digital Editions), notebooks and desktops (Mac OS via iBooks, OS Win via Adobe© Digital Editions, Readium).
Version 1
Compact version, 50MB (playback of the multimedia data requires an internet connection)
Version 2
Normal version, 450MB (a large part of the multimedia data can also be played offline)
Language: German
Publisher: o.V.
Place: Mainz
Year: 2017
Edition: 1
ISBN: 978-3-936483-09-3

2011, erw. 2. Auflage Mainz 2013

Moving Types - Letters in Motion. A retrospective from the beginnings of film to the present day. 

First augmented exhibition catalogue with 'built-in cinema'.

Art: Softcover, 144 pages.
Editors: Ralf Dringenberg, Anja Stöffler (z zg, HS Mainz, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd) and Dr. Annette Ludwig (Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz)
Language: German
Contents: including over 80 integrated type films
Place: Mainz
Year: 2nd, enlarged edition Mainz 2013 (1st ed. Mainz 2011, out of print)
Pages: 132 pages, softcover
Price: 23,95 Euro plus postage
ISBN: 978-3-936483-03-1
Available via:
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz


Transformation in Typography – Through the Medium of the Screen 

Herausgeber: Kenna, Hilary; Piechota, Jan; Stöffler, Anja; Dringenberg, Ralf

Warschau: Polish-Japanese Academy, Warsaw; IADT Dublin; img – Hochschule Mainz
Englisch, 511 Seiten, 1000. Auflage


Seit 2004

Moving Types – Archive of visual communication

The “core” of the z zg is the comprehensive and unique archive, “Time-based Typography – Moving Types”. Currently containing over 800 visual examples of animated typefaces and letters in film, advertising, on the internet and in public space – encompassing the inception film up to the networked and multidimensional design solutions of our times (VR/AR). In addition, the archive contains interviews conducted with protagonists of this scene. Consequentially, the archive is both a highly respected state-of-the-art compendium and who’s who of the industry; as well as a frequently cited history of visual animation from the bygone 19th century up to the beginning of the 21st century.

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