Examination Office

School of Business

This content is only partially available in English.

Our Job

  • Registration of examination and study achievements
  • Registration and receipt of final theses
  • Grade management
  • Registration of the certificate of incapacity for examination
  • Receipt of appeals
  • Receipt of practical reports
  • Issuing of certificates and duplicate certificates
  • Certification of certificates
  • Issuing of declarations
  • Supervision of electronic exam inspection

If you have any questions about the post-exam review, please contact: klausureinsicht.wirtschaft (at) hs-mainz.de.

If you have problems with CIM, please use the following contact-form.


Mainz University of Applied Sciences
Examination Office - School of Business
Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2
55128 Mainz 


F +49 6131 628-93141

Office hours

Personal consultation hours (Room A 2.04)
Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00

Telephone consultation hours
Wednesday: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.


Your guide to starting your studies!

Open Compass


With HIP - the university information portal - you can use the functions listed below worldwide. Enter your user name and the password (see your Leporello).

  • Grade inspection
  • Examination registration
  • Examination de-registration
  • Printout of performance certificates
  • Printout of proof-of-study certificates
  • Change of address

If you have any problems with the CIM program, please use the CIM contact form.

Additional information on CIM will be available to you here in the future as a demo.

Information about the transitional use of HIP

HIP is still available for you to view your grades so that you can personally verify the transfer of your grades from HIP to CIM.

Students studying under the old, phased-out examination regulations will still find their examination details in HIP; these students have been informed by email. To register for exams, etc., please contact the
Examination Office.


Upon request, we can provide you with the following certificates:
  • BAföG certificates
  • Transcripts of grades
  • Clearance certificate
    With the exception of BAföG certificates, a fee of 2.50 euros is charged for each certificate issued.
    Please send us your application by e-mail only and at the latest two days before pick-up. You can pick up your certificates during our office's opening hours.
    In the case of BAföG certificates in accordance with § 48, it is necessary that you indicate the semester to be confirmed and the date of the confirmation. A certificate cannot be issued without this information. Please check with the BAföG Office if you do not know these dates.
    Forms and certificates of the university can be found in the download section.
    One testing/ coursework achievement or the equivalent is permitted to be missing: You must have earned 85 ECTS credits from testing/coursework achievements.  
    One testing/ coursework achievement or the equivalent is permitted to be missing: You must have earned 115 ECTS credits from testing/coursework achievements.  
    One testing/ coursework achievement or the equivalent is permitted to be missing: You must have earned 145 ECTS credits from testing/coursework achievements.  


    For each official certification we charge a fee of 2.50 euro for the first page and another 2.00 euro for each additional page. We cannot certify any copies you have brought along. Copies made by Mainz University of Applied Sciences will be charged with 2.50 euro per page. Pre-certification for foreign countries is free of charge.

    Student maternity leave

    The Maternity Protection Act also applies to female students since 1 January 2018. We explain what needs to be considered during pregnancy and after childbirth and what counselling services are available at our university (only available in German).

    Read more


    • HIP (university information portal, only available in German)
    • CIM (Campus Informationportal Mainz)
    • OpenOLAT (e-learning platform, only available in German)
    • Calendar
    • DMS (Document management system of Mainz University of Applied Sciences for viewing exams)
    • Psychological Student Counseling

    Who to contact

    Sonja Schloss
    Head of Examination Office
    T +49 6131 628-3120
    Tanja Fuchs
    Issuing of certificates, focus on full-time degree programs
    T +49 6131 628-3123
    Christine Held
    Exam Inspection, Focus on part-time degree programs
    T +49 6131 628-3125