Examination Office

School of Business

This content is only partially available in English.


This page provides you with all relevant information about exams at the School of Business at Mainz University of Applied Sciences.


FAQs for students from the exam management office of the school of business

Registering for exams

  • As a student, you are fundamentally required to register for examinations on the CIM.
  • Registration deadlines are cut-off dates, i.e. the registration deadline cannot be extended individually.
  • Late registration is not possible.
  • You can find the registration deadlines in the appointment calendar.

Please note: You can find important and more detailed information on the registration procedure in the CIM.

Withdrawing from exams

In general, students in full-time degree programs can withdraw exclusively on the CIM five weekdays before the exam phase if they do not wish to take the exam.


In general, students in part-time degree programs can withdraw exclusively on the CIM five weekdays before the exam phase if they do not wish to take the exam.


Weekdays are the days from Monday to Friday. Saturday, Sunday and public holidays are not considered weekdays.

The possibility of cancellation is excluded for the following:

  1. Repeat attempts, since according to Article 14, Section 2 of the General Examination Regulations, in this case the repeat attempt must take place in the following semester.
  2. Options and electives that have been completed via OLAT and HIP and thus are obligatorily registered for the examination.
  3. Courses that have to be taken due to missed deadlines, Art. 21, para. 4, p. 2 of the General Examination Regulations.

If you encounter problems when withdrawing electronically, you are required to notify the Office of Examination before the deadline for withdrawal has passed.


Examination plans

Here you will find an overview of the examination schedules. Please note that we reserve the right to make changes.

  • Full-time degree programmes
  • Repeat examinations for part-time degree programmes (will be published in the course of the winter semester, concerns: Business Informatics dual B.Sc., Business Law & Compliance LL.M., Business Law LL.M. (expiring), Taxation LL.M., IT Management professionally integrated M.Sc., Management professionally integrated M.Sc.)
  • Part-time degree programmes (only via HIP)

Please note
If several rooms are specified in the examination schedule for your examination, you will find the allocation to the room under ‘Room allocation’ and not in the examination schedule. If only one room is specified for your exam, then the ‘room allocation’ is invalid for you.

Exam rooms

Here you will find infos about the rooms, where your exam will take place

Registering for your thesis

To register for your thesis, please fill out the corresponding registration form. You can find additional information about the theses here.

Information in case of illness

You will find the form for providing proof of incapacity to take examinations due to illness in the download area of this homepage.

Please note the following requirements:

As a matter of principle, medical findings are subject to medical confidentiality. If, however, you are unable to appear for an examination due to illness, you are obliged under the examination regulations and in accordance with the Higher Education Act to provide evidence of your illness to the Examination Office. You will need a medical certificate for this.

You must submit (in person or by post) the certificate of inability to take examinations by 3 days after the date of the examination.
To meet the deadline, you are welcome to send the certificate of inability to take the examination to the Examination Office in advance by email: pruefungen.wirtschaft (at) hs-mainz.de or fax: +49 6131 628-93141. In this case, the original must be promptly submitted to the Examination Office.

Please also note the information on the certificates of inability to take examinations in the download section.


In the case of first-time inability to take examinations, a simple medical note from the doctor without further details is sufficient. The note must certify the inability to take examinations from a medical point of view - not the inability to work. The treating physician does not have to be released from his or her obligation of confidentiality in this case.


Qualified medical certificate

From the second case of inability to take examinations, you have the choice of proving your inability to take examinations by means of a qualified medical certificate from the physician treating you. This certificate must contain the following information:

  • Date of treatment by the physician
  • Duration of the illness
  • Type and extent of the illness/findings and the effects of the illness on the ability to take exams. It is not necessary to state the diagnosis.

In order for this qualified medical certificate to be issued, it is necessary, within the scope of your duty of cooperation, that you partially release your attending physician from his/her obligation of medical confidentiality. In this way, you enable a review of your inability to take examinations. You will find more information on this below. We recommend that you use the form provided in the download section. The inability to take examinations can also be certified by the attending physician without using the form. However, the medical certificate may be rejected by the Examination Board if required information is missing.


Alternatively, you can immediately arrange an appointment to be examined by the medical service of the city of Mainz or the Public Health Office (Gesundheitsamt) and provide an official medical certificate confirming your inability to take the examination.

If you are repeatedly unable to take examinations - i.e. if you were unable to take at least five examinations in at least two semesters - you will always need an official medical certificate for each additional examination.


The same applies if you have already started the examination and assert that you are unable to take the examination. If an examination is interrupted due to illness, the supervising persons must be informed.

Please note the following resolution of the Examination Board:

With regard to a visit to a public health officer in the evening or on Saturday, the Examination Board adopts the following resolution (No 3/2017 of 12.01.2017):

If students must assert their inability to take the examination due to illness after the start and/or after the end of an examination which is taken at times when a public health officer is not available, for example in the evening or on Saturdays, in order to prove their inability to take the examination due to illness, they may be required to imnmediately

  1. notify the Examination Office of this in writing, and
  2. to consult a private physician on the same day of the knowledge of the inability to take the examination due to illness and a public health officer on the next working day, and
  3.  to produce the medical certificate from the private physician and the official medical certificate for the purpose of substantiating the claim, at the latest on the third day after the examination or as soon as possible in view of the illness

In special cases, in particular if it is obvious that you are unable to take the examination, for example if you have proof of hospitalization, you can request that an official medical certificate be waived.


The costs for the medical certificate from a private physician or the official medical certificate are not covered by the university.


Important information regarding certificates of inability to take examinations

Download application

Electronic review of exams

At present a system changeover is taking place and therefore it is not possible to access exams electronically.

As soon as the changeover is finished – during which the present scanning process is also delayed - access to exams through VPN or Citrix via the web interface will be possible.

  • There are no fixed viewing periods.

Please contact your examiner immediately in case of discrepancies in the assessment.
If he or she cannot be contacted by the end of the respective appeal period, or if you believe that the assessment is still not correct, you may submit a written appeal in writing to the relevant Examination Board, stating your reasons. This should be submitted to the Examination Office.

If you have problems viewing the written examination, please send an email to the following address: klausureinsicht.wirtschaft (at) hs-mainz.de
If you have problems logging in, please contact the ZIK:
T +49 6131 628-6363
Mail: helpdesk (at) hs-mainz.de

Appeals, deadlines, fees

You must submit a signed appeal in writing to the Examination Office, stating your reasons.

The following appeal deadlines apply: Summer semester exams: by October 15
Winter semester exams: by April 10 A special case is the appeal period during a semester of leave of absence, a semester abroad or an internship abroad: If you are on leave of absence for a semester or are in an internship semester abroad, your appeal deadline is postponed to the deadline of the following semester. Example:
  • The exam was taken in the winter semester 2018/19: the appeal period ends on April 10, 2019.
  • For students on leave of absence in the summer semester 2019, the deadline for appeals is postponed to October 15, 2019.
The following fees apply for appeals against examination decisions (Article 29 of the General Examination Regulations) in accordance with Articles 15 (5) sentence 1 of the State Law on Fees (LGebG), 73 (3) of the Administrative Procedures Code (VwGO):

If the appeal is successful

Mainz Univeristy of Applied Sciences shall bear the costs of the appeal proceedings.

If the appeal is denied

The appellant shall bear the costs of the appeal proceedings.
A fee of EUR 30 plus EUR 4,75 for the serving of the notice of appeal is set. The total costs amount to 34.75 Euro.

If the appeal is partially successful

The appellant shall bear two-thirds of the costs of the appeal proceedings and Mainz University of Applied Sciences one-third.
A fee of 20 Euro plus 3.16 Euro expenses for the serving of the notice of appeal is set. The total costs amount to 23.16 Euro.


Who to contact

Sonja Schloss
Head of Examination Office
T +49 6131 628-3120
Tanja Fuchs
Issuing of certificates, focus on full-time degree programs
T +49 6131 628-3123
Christine Held
Exam Inspection, Focus on part-time degree programs
T +49 6131 628-3125