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Bibliothekstür mit Schriftzug


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Researching & writing

The library offers you a wide range of support for writing successful term papers and theses. It is your central point of contact when searching for specialized information on your topics and your point of contact when you need help with literature and source research, as well as citation and literature management programs.



In addition to the collection of printed books and journals you can find by using our OPAC, the library also has a variety of purchased and licensed eBooks, eJournals, and access to specialized databases. An overview and access to licensed databases can be found on our 'Catalogs and Databases' page.

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Help with term papers, theses & similar assignments

Part of every degree program at Mainz University of Applied Sciences is the preparation and writing of project papers, term papers, and theses. The library offers a wide range of assistance in the form of courses, consultations, and eLearning materials. Especially when it comes to finding scientific literature, sources and data material for your project, as well as the correct citation of your sources, you will find the right contacts for your questions in the library. 

go to trainings and consultations

Questions? Who to contact

Dana Söte
Teaching Librarian
T +49 6131 628-6223