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Interlibrary loans


The library of Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers participation in the national interlibrary loan system. All students and staff of Mainz University of Applied Sciences are entitled to participate if they are registered as users of the library.
The library of Johannes Gutenberg University enables the participation in the international interlibrary loan system.
The use of interlibrary loans is subject to a fee.


Interlibrary loans – What is that and why do I need it?



The prerequisite for an interlibrary loan is an interlibrary loan account with a credit balance. Complete the application for an online interlibrary loan (Antrag für die Online-Fernleihe, only available in German). You can hand in the application in person at the library and add credit to your card at the same time, or you can send the form to us by e-mail. Please write down the amount you want toadd to your interlibrary loan account (max. €6). Your library account will then be charged with this amount and you will pay this amount later when you are at the library to pick up the interlibrary loan item.


The following are generally excluded from interlibrary loans:

Literature required for non-academic purposes, entire journal collections, loose-leaf editions, diploma and masters theses, dissertations, typical reading room literature (encyclopedias, reference works), patent specifications, DIN standards. However, we will do our best to provide copies of individual parts of these media upon request.


Video tutorial for borrowing books with the interlibrary loan system


Video tutorial for borrowing journal articles with the interlibrary loan system



After receiving the media, we will send you an email and reserve the media for pickup at the circulation desk. The release and return can only be carried out at the library location where the order was placed.
The media will be made available at the circulation desk until the end of the loan period (see below). If literature requiring return is not picked up during this time, it will be returned to the lending library.
Please note: It may take several weeks until the literature has arrived. The library of Mainz University of Applied Sciences has no influence on this.


Loan periods

The loan period is usually four weeks, but it can be shortened by the lending library. An extension is possible before the end of the loan period upon written request – subject to the consent of the lending library.

The lending library may restrict the use of the media (for example, use only in the reading room, use under supervision, no copying). These regulations are binding for the library of Mainz University of Applied Sciences and its users, as is the specified loan period. Exceptions require the consent of the lending library.


The fee for an interlibrary loan is currently 1.50 Euro per order. This requires a credit to be paid into the interlibrary loan account.
Refunds are generally not possible, even if the order cannot be carried out.

The fee includes the cost of 20 pages of copies of journal articles, etc. Additional copies are charged at 0.05 Euro per page.

In addition, costs for other copies, for insurance of valuable materials or for exceptionally high handling, postage and packaging costs may be charged. These costs are to be borne entirely by the user.

If the loan period is exceeded, late fees will be charged. They currently amount to 3.00 Euro per medium and week or partial week.

Questions? Who to contact

Nadja Ilsemann
Staff Council Member