Foto: ©Hochschule Mainz

Bibliothekstür mit Schriftzug


This content is only partially available in English.



In the library you will find media with content related to the three schools of the university: Business, Engineering and Design, as well as general reference works.
The majority of the holdings can be checked out. This does not apply to media from the reference holdings, which are marked as such on the spine (nicht entleihbar), as well as general reference works, loose-leaf works, standards, magazines and newspapers.


Who can check materials out?

The university library is primarily available to staff and students of Mainz University of Applied Sciences, but it is also open to alumni and external users. A written application along with the presentation of a photo ID is required for authorization to borrow materials. This also applies to students of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. A student ID alone does not provide authorization to borrow materials. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the library usage regulations (only available in German).

How it works:

Before borrowing for the first time, please fill out the registration form.
You can either hand it in personally at the circulation desk or send it by . 
Students of Mainz University of Applied Sciences need their student ID, and those not affiliated with Mainz University of Applied Sciences need a valid personal ID.
You will receive a library card upon registering, and when you are entered into the online borrowing system, you will also receive an online user account.
To avoid any misuse, please inform us immediately if you lose your library card. We will block your library account for a transitional period or issue you with a replacement card immediately. The replacement card costs five Euros.


You can take freely available media from the shelves and either present them at the circulation desk together with your library card for check-out or use the self-check-out. At the Holzstraße location, a remote locker is available instead of a self-checkout unit, in which items ordered using the OPAC can be placed for you. Media marked "Theke" (circulation desk) can be requested at the circulation desk.


The loan period for books is four weeks, for audiovisual and electronic media two weeks. Media from the textbook collection can be borrowed for six weeks; they are marked with the sticker Lehrbuchsammlung (textbook collection). The loan period also applies during semester breaks.

However, media that cannot be borrowed, such as journals and media marked as such (nicht entleihbar), can be borrowed overnight or over the weekend by submitting a request to the library staff.


You can renew items yourself through your user account as long as the loan period is not over.
The number of renewals of the loan period is limited: It can be done four times for books, and twice for audiovisual and electronic items. Media from the textbook collections cannot be renewed.
Renewal is not possible if the media have been reserved.

If you have neglected to renew in time, please contact us by by email before fees are incurred.


A return box is available outside the university entrance at the Campus library, and you can also use the self-check-in terminal in the library.
There is also a return box in front of the library at the Holzstraße location.
University library media (not interlibrary loans) can be returned to either library location, regardless of where they were checked out. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order from one library location and have the items delivered to the other.


Late fees are due after the loan period has ended, even if you have not received a reminder or reminder alert from the "Bücherwecker". At present, they amount to three Euro per week or partial week for all media.
The postage costs for the 3rd reminder notice will be charged to the user, and currently amount to 5.35 Euro. In addition, a handling fee of 15 Euro will be charged, as well as the cost to replace the item itself.
Your user account will be frozen if you have outstanding arrears in the amount of 15 Euro.


Media out on loan can be reserved online in OPAC.
To do this, click on the button 'Recall media' in the 'Status' field of the displayed titles. First you will be asked for your library card number and your password. Then enter this information again to see the loan period and the number of existing reservations for this volume.
Media from the textbook collections cannot be reserved.
After we have received the reserved media, we will inform you by email and reserve them for one week at the circulation desk in the Holzstraße library or on the reservation shelf in the Campus library. When making your reservation, please pay attention to the location of the media (Holzstraße or Campus), as you can only pick up your reserved media at the respective location.


The library of Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers participation in the national interlibrary loan system. All students and staff of Mainz University of Applied Sciences are entitled to participate if they are registered as users of the library.
Click here to see how it works.


Interlibrary loans

How it works

At the library


The collections are systematically set up with open access.
The libraries of each university location use their own classification systems which are not compatible with each other. Although the V Geoinformatics and Surveying collection has been relocated to the Campus location, it is based on the original Holzstraße location’s classification system. 


Self-service Terminal

You can check out your media yourself at the self-service terminal at the Campus library using your library card, even if there is no library staff present. 


At the Holzstraße location, there is a remote locker where you can pick up media items you have ordered outside regular library hours. 

Return Box

Book return boxes are located in front of the library both on Campus and at the Holzstraße location. You can use them to return your borrowed media outside of regular library hours.


Literature proposal

Do you know of a book that is relevant to your school or degree program, but is not yet in the library's collection? Please let us know by submitting our form!
We will review it and in the event of a positive response, we will inform you when the medium has arrived here and is available for you to check out. 


Questions? Who to contact