About the library
The university library is the service center for electronic and printed information services. It acquires, indexes and makes accessible all media available at our university for teaching and research.
The library is one of the central university facilities. It offers its comprehensive services for studying, teaching, research and continuing education to university students and staff. In addition, alumni and external individuals can also use its services. The library has two locations, one each at the Holzstraße and Campus sites.
The library locations provide the media for the fields of teaching at the respective locations: Engineering and Design at the Holzstrasse location, Business and Geoinformatics and Surveying at the Campus location.
The library is advised by the Library Committee.

The university library of Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers all the usual services of an academic library: availability and indexing of holdings, information service, borrowing, interlibrary loans and training. We strive to fulfill all services as comprehensively as possible. Please contact us if you feel that something is missing. We are always grateful for suggestions and criticism.
The use of the library is free of charge, with the exception of interlibrary loans.
Library Committee
The university schools are represented on the Library Committee by two professors and one student each, the library by the director of the library.
Chairperson: Professor Gero Quasten
Faculty members:
- Professor Alexa Hartig, School of Design
- Professor Anna-Lisa Schönecker, School of Design
- Professor Gero Quasten, School of Engineering
- Professor Dr. Anita Sellent, School of Engineering
- Professor Dr. Kai Wiltinger, School of Business
- Professor Dr. Maria Strobel, School of Business
Student members:
- Lukas Mayer, School of Design
- Juliane Emde, School of Engineering
- Mathusa Premjayanth, School of Business
- Ivana Teronic Oruc