What's going on
Library news
Business hours
Flexible studying at the library
Library staff
Find the right staff member for every question

All you need to know about library cards, borrowing periods, interlibrary loans, etc.
Studying & learning
All you need to know about studying in the library, self-learning courses and language classes.

Researching & writing
Information on the catalogs and specialized databases as well as the courses offered on the subject of academic writing.
Reserving a group workroom
Reserve a group workroom in the library online.

The library provides free access to various databases and electronic media (e-media).

The library for staff members
Everything you need to know about media acquisition, long-term borrowing periods and publishing at Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Literature management programs
Two programs are available for literature management: Citavi for Windows and Zotero for MAC, Linus and Windows.
Open access publishing
All relevant information about open access publishing options at Mainz University of Applied Sciences
About us
Library locations, organization and the Library Committee.