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First steps for new students

German version here

Are you a first-semester student who has recently enrolled in a degree program? Then you will have received a document from Mainz University of Applied Sciences. This document contains your initial log-in data for your IT account and your student email address.

Please keep your access data protected. They are used, among other things, to reset the password or to activate the account.

1. To-dos before you start your studies
The following sections contain a to-do list that you should complete before beginning your studies to ensure a successful start. You will also find information specific to your school; please be sure to take the time to read it.

2. Good to know!
Next, you will find more detailed information to help you familiarize yourself with some of the services and offers of Mainz University of Applied Sciences beforehand. A look at this information will make it easier for you to start your first semester.

1. To-dos before you start your studies

First, you have to activate your IT account and your student email address, as these are needed to use all other university services. After this, please register on the OpenOLAT learning platform. 

  1. Activate your IT account.
    Use this login data to log in to the university’s various online services.
  2. Activate your email address.
    To do this, log in to the OWA (Outlook Web App) with your IT account. Please only use this email address to communicate with us. This ensures the university that you are a student here.
  3. Register on OpenOLAT.
    This is our learning platform where some of the online classes take place. You can find more information about OpenOLAT in the secondsection, “Good to know!”.
    There is a short self-study course on OpenOLAT that introduces you to the basic functionalities of the platform. It is worth clicking through this short OLAT tutorial.
  4. Register on Zoom.
    Teachers at Mainz University of Applied Sciences use the Zoom video conferencing service to hold online courses. Please first log in to with your university login credentials (IT account) to obtain a license. Additionally, download the app via an app store or via When asked for your login credentials here, click the "SSO" button (with the key icon) and enter "hs-mainz-de" as your company domain. You can then also log in here using your university login (= IT account).
  5. Get the Studierendenwerk Mainz's payment app
    The Studierendenwerk student services organization offers the option to pay by app in the Mensa and the cafeteria. Click here for more information.
  6. Get the Mainz Campus2go app
    The Mainz Campus2Go app provides you with digital access to your student ID. This app also allows direct access to various online university services such as OpenOLAT, HIP, CIM, etc.
    Mainz Campus2Go is available for download in the Appstore or on Google Play.
    You can find information about the app and its features on the Semester Ticket and Student ID page.
  7. Get your semester ticket
    Information on obtaining the semester ticket can be found on the page Semester Ticket and Student ID page.

After you have completed these important steps, be sure to take a look at the following information specific to your school and department. If you are not sure what school your degree program belongs to, you can view a list of the respective information here.

Information specific to schools and departments

School of Business

  • Why should I set up an email signature?
    An email signature helps us to be able to process your request as quickly as possible. It should contain your student ID number, degree program, starting date of your studies as SoSeXX/WiSeXX and if you would like, how to reach you by phone. In the webmailer of the university, you can set up your email signature under Settings > Options > Email > Layout > Email signature.
  • Where do I find my class schedule?
    You can find your class shedule on the university's Campus Information Portal 
    (You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)
  • Where will I find class materials in the future?
    Please watch this video tutorial.
  • What should I subscribe to so that I can be sure I am always up to date?
    Enrolment for the course (infoboard) International Office
    Please read this document.

    Enrolment for the course (Infoboard) MA.IB / MA.AA / MFA
    Please read this document.
  • How do I attend elective modules?
    (only applies to students who need to attend elective modules, not for Incomings)
    Degree-seeking in a German programme:
    Please watch this video tutorial.
  • Online Mathematics Bridging Course 
    For some degree programs, it is recommended that you refresh your math skills before starting your studies. Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers all students the free use of two online math bridging courses. You can find the program-specific recommendations for these online bridging courses here. These online courses are not a substitute for math courses of your degree program, but only serve to better prepare you for your studies.

School of Engineering

  • Where can I find up-to-date information about my degree program and my department?
    The latest information from the Department of Architecture is communicated via OLAT. Please book the OLAT course „Organisation FR Architektur“ to be sure you have access to this information. Please note that after booking the course in the "Einschreibung" course module, you still need to enroll in the corresponding degree program to receive all relevant information for the respective degree program.
    There is also a separate OLAT course for students in their first semester: "Erstsemester FR Architektur". There you will find all of the information that is particularly relevant for students in their first semester. The access codes will be sent to you by mail.
  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    Communication is primarily done via OLAT. Notifications are set up in OLAT so that you will also receive an email to your student email address. It is also worth it to check our homepage for upcoming events and to download information specific to your degree program.
  • Where can I find my class schedule?
    You can download the current class schedule by clicking on this link. Please note that the timetable may change again after publication. It will then be updated and uploaded in the same place.
  • How do I find and book an OLAT course from my department?
    First, log in on using your university login. By clicking on the Courses tab, you can now access the directory of OLAT courses (Catalog). Follow the subsequent entries there: HS MZ - School of Engineering - Architektur - Organisation - Organisation FR Architektur. Use the access code "LEA" to book this course.
    Please note that after booking the course in the "Einschreibung" course module, you still need to enroll in the corresponding degree program to receive all relevant information for the respective degree program.
  • Where can I find the OLAT courses for my classes?
    Information on individual classes will be communicated in OLAT via the organization group.
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems in my subject area?
    If you have general, organizational or subject-specific questions about studying architecture, please contact the Architectural Studies Assistance:

    If you have any questions about examinations, admission to examinations, sick leave or the pre-study internship, please contact the Examinations Office - Faculty of Engineering

    If you have any questions about admission, please contact the Student Office - Mainz University of Applied Sciences

  • Where can I find information on services and support in organizing my studies?
    You can find information on all services offered in connection with organizing your studies here. If you have more detailed questions or are unsure about how to organize your studies, please contact the General Student Advisory Service (Academic Success Management, School of Engineering).
  • Where can I find information about my degree program and my department?
    In the OpenOLAT course „Organisation Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen (HS MZ)“ (access code: technik). Please note that after booking the course in the Einschreibung course module, you still need to enroll in the corresponding degree program to receive all relevant information for the respective degree program.
  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    The OpenOLAT course „Organisation Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen (HS MZ)“ (access code: technik)
  • Where can I find my class schedule?
    In the OpenOLAT course „Organisation Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen (HS MZ)“ (access code: technik)
  • How do I find and book the organizational course for my department?
    The OpenOLAT organizational course for the department is called „Organisation Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen (HS MZ)“ (access code: technik). Please note that after booking the course in the Einschreibung course module, you still need to enroll in the corresponding degree program to receive all relevant information for the respective degree program.
  • How do I get the access code for a specific OLAT course?
    All of the OLAT courses of the Civil Engineering Department can be booked no later than four weeks after the start of the lectures without needing access data (password). After this period, the courses will be password protected once again.
    You will receive the password and additional information about the semester schedule of the respective modules via course email from the lecturers responsible for the modules.
    So please register for the OLAT courses of your modules as soon as possible. Should you be unable to book an OLAT course contrary to expectations, please contact the lecturer responsible for your module by email as soon as possible.     
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems within my subject area (central contact)?
    For general questions, please contact: frb (at)
    For questions about class and exam schedules, please contact: stundenplanung.leb (at)
    For questions about degree programs / the degree program structure, please contact:
  • Where can I find information on services and support in organizing my studies?
    You can find information on all services offered in connection with organizing your studies here. If you have more detailed questions or are unsure about how to organize your studies, please contact the General Student Advisory Service (Academic Success Management, School of Engineering).
  • Online Mathematics Bridging Course 
    For some degree programs, it is recommended that you refresh your math skills before starting your studies. Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers all students the free use of two online math bridging courses. You can find the program-specific recommendations for these online bridging courses here. These online courses are not a substitute for math courses of your degree program, but only serve to better prepare you for your studies.
  • Where can I find up-to-date information about my degree program and my department?
    The latest information from the Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying is communicated via OLAT.
  • How do I find and book the virtual office?
    Please book the OLAT course:

    No password is needed for access to the virtual office. Please note that after booking the course in the Einschreibung course module, you still need to enroll in the corresponding degree program to receive all relevant information for the respective degree program.

  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    Communication is primarily done via OLAT. Notifications are set up in OLAT so that you will receive an email to your student email address. It is also worth it to check our homepage for upcoming events and to download information specific to your degree program.
  • Where can I find my class schedule?
    Your class schedule can also be found in the OLAT course „G & V – virtuelles Geschäftszimmer“ in the folder „Aushänge“.
  • How do I find and book an OLAT course from my department?
    First, log in on using your university login. By clicking on the Courses tab, you can now access the directory of OLAT courses (Catalog). Follow the subsequent entries there: HS MZ - School of Engineering – Geoinformatik und Vermessung – Organisation - G & V - virtuelles Geschäftszimmer.
  • Where can I find the OLAT courses and the respective access codes for my classes?
    In the G & V - Virtuelles Geschäftszimmer you will find a table listing all of the modules that will be held in summer semester 2021 and the corresponding OLAT course, as well as the respective access code. This information will be available as of September 27, 2021.
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems within my subject area (central contact)?
    For general and organizational questions about studying geoinformatics and surveying, please contact Carina Justus (Tel: 06131-628 1499).
    If you have any questions about exams, admission to exams, sick leave or the internship required before enrollment, please contact the Exam Management Office (Ms.Daniela Held, Tel: 06131-628 1024).
    If you have questions about admission, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.
    You are also welcome to arrange a personal meeting with any staff member and professor of the department.
  • Where can I find information on services and support in organizing my studies?
    You can find information on all services offered in connection with organizing your studies here. If you have more detailed questions or are unsure about how to organize your studies, please contact the General Student Advisory Service (Academic Success Management, School of Engineering).
  • Online Mathematics Bridging Course 
    For some degree programs, it is recommended that you refresh your math skills before starting your studies. Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers all students the free use of two online math bridging courses. You can find the program-specific recommendations for these online bridging courses here. These online courses are not a substitute for math courses of your degree program, but only serve to better prepare you for your studies.

School of Design

  • Where can I find information about my degree program and my department?
    You can find all of the information on the website.
    Information on the bachelor’s degree program in Interior Architecture
    Information on master’s degree program in Spatial Communication
  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    We communicate by email, by phone and via Seafile and OLAT.
  • Where can I find my class schedule?
    The class schedule is stored centrally in Seafile and is available on the website.
    Bachelor’s degree program in Interior Architecture
    Master’s degree program in Spatial Communication
  • How/where can I find the OLAT courses for my classes?
    All information about OLAT and the courses will be announced by the respective lecturer at the beginning of the semester.
  • How do I get the access code for a specific OLAT course?
    All information about OLAT and the courses will be announced by the respective lecturer at the beginning of the semester.
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems within my subject area (central contact)?
    For general questions, please contact the secretary’s office of your department.
    The assistants are happy to answer subject-specific questions about your degree program.
  • Mailing lists
    Instructions for subscribing to the mailing lists:
    1. Open in your browser
    2. Search for and select the list for your subject area/department (see below)
    3. Register with your student email address, see step 02
    4. Open the validation email and confirm your registration via the link in the browser
    5. Wait for the administrator’s response
    6. Receive emails
    The mailing list corresponds to the respective semester you are in, preceded by the program abbreviation “ia”. Examples:
    Bachelor’s in Interior Architecture, 1st semester >
    Master’s in Interior Architecture, master’s thesis >
  • Where can I find information about my degree program and my department?
    Information on the degree programs in the Department of Communication Design can be found on the website. 
  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    • Communication largely takes place via email. That is why it is so important for you to set up your IT account and your student email address as the very first step.
    • Classes, lectures and meetings take place via Zoom. You will receive the invitation link to your classes from the respective lecturer via email.
    • Seafile is used by all lecturers to manage information and class materials. Please register on Seafile with your student email address to manage your files. More information and instructions
    • Mattermost is a chat platform students and staff use for general communication and announcements. If you've used Slack before, Mattermost will look very familiar.
  • Where can I find my class schedule?
    First-semester students will be sent their schedule by email.
    You can also find the schedule on our website under Class Schedules in the right column. Here you can filter according to your semester or specific classes.
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems within my subject area (central contact)?
    For general questions, please contact the secretary’s office of your department.
    The assistants are happy to answer subject-specific questions about your degree program.

    Secretary’s office:
    Holzstraße location – Room H3.02 (4rd floor) / T 06131 628-2211 / T 06131 628-2212 / M  kd (at)

    Holzstraße location – Room H3.06 (4rd floor) / M assistenz-kd (at)

    Please see the Website for consultation and business hours.
  • Who can I contact if I have other questions about student life?
    The student representatives for communication design are available to answer questions about student life, tips and tricks in Mainz, as well as to help with anything that is unclear about studying. This is where the communication among the students takes place. The student representatives always offer a diverse program, which students of all semesters are welcome to participate in.
    Contact: fsrdesign (at) | Facebook | Instagram
  • How can I keep up to date? (dates, events, news, etc.)?
  • Are there work stations for students in the Communication Design Department?
    Mac workstations with software relevant to your studies are available for classes and independent work in the following rooms*:
    Communication Design Department
    Holzstraße H1.02 (Claudius 1) and H1.04 (Claudius 2)
    • User name: student ID no.
    • Password: last name (the first letter is capitalized and umlauts are written out)
    • Please change the password immediately after logging in for the first time.

* Please note that during the coronavirus pandemic, special regulations apply to the Mac pool and all other facilities of the Communication Design Department and they may not be available or only available to a limited extent. Please consult the current guidelines, which are updated on a daily basis.

  • Which channels of communication and information does the department use?
    We use OLAT, Seafile, Mattermost, Zoom, Instagram, email and telephone.
    As the very first step, it is important to set up your IT account.
  • How do I find information about my classes?
    All information on your classes will be announced at the beginning of the semester and communicated via OLAT.
  • How do I get the access code for a specific OLAT course?
    All information about OLAT and the courses will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
  • Who can I contact if I have questions or problems within my subject area (central contact)?For general questions, please contact the secretary’s office of your department.
    The assistants are happy to answer subject-specific questions about your degree program.
  • How can I keep up to date? (dates, events, news, etc.)
    In addition to OLAT and Mattermost, you should also subscribe to our  Instagram-Channel.

2. Good to know!

More detailed information During your time as a student at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, you will encounter other systems, service options and offers. We would like to provide you with an overview here, to make sure you are well prepared to start your first semester.

Your studies & organizational information

You need a Studi-Card to be able to use various offers of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. For example, you can use your Studi-Card to make cashless payments at the cafeteria (in some cases cash payments are not accepted) or to use the university’s printers. Some Dorms of “Studierendenwerk” also support the use of Studi-Card. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)  

You can access our easyroam wireless network at both university locations. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)

The holdings of the university library are listed in the OPAC online catalogue. You can use the following link to access information on the media available at both locations of the library:
You can also directly check the availability of the medium you are looking for here, as well as manage your user account and renewals and reservations.  
Yes, by using a VPN. Many e-books can be found in OPAC. Additional databases can be found here. For additional up-to-date information, please visit the library’s homepage and check the section Using the library during Corona.  
Yes, Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers several computer pool rooms at both locations (Holzstraße and Campus). You can find more information and a list of the software installed on the pool computers under the tab Computer rooms here.  
Yes. There are several multifunctional printers available to students at both the Holzstraße location and the campus of Mainz University of Applied Sciences for printing, copying and scanning. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)  

You can print enrollment certificates in the CIM-Portal. You can also change your personal information there (such as your address, ...).


Software & online services

At Mainz University of Applied Sciences, the Zoom video conferencing service is usually used for online lectures or online seminars. Your teachers will give you access to the respective online meetings. However, it is recommended to download and install the Zoom app. If you have technical problems with Zoom, we recommend reading our FAQ, in which you will find help on the most common problems.  

Yes, on the Quicklink page you will find an overview of the most important systems and platforms of Mainz University of Applied Sciences including direct links. In addition, you will find a PDF here with the most important systems that you should be familiar with when starting your studies.

Yes, please use the Seafile cloud storage service provided by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. All students automatically receive 20 GB of storage space. You can choose whether you want to access this cloud storage using the internet or an app. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)  

Some services only work within the network of Mainz University of Applied Sciences (using HIP or downloading electronic resources from the library, for instance). Using a VPN connection, you can connect to the network of Mainz University of Applied Sciences from home. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)   

All students of Mainz University of Applied Sciences have the opportunity to obtain Office 365 free of charge from the University. You can find more information about this here.
(The link leads to an internal page of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. You need to log in with your IT account to be able to access this page.)  
Yes, all students of Mainz University of Applied Sciences have the opportunity to use the video learning platform LinkedIn Learning free of charge. This platform contains various video tutorials on different software solutions (such as Adobe Creative Cloud, MS Office) and other topics. You can find more information about this here.  
Panopto is the video platform of Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Instructors can use Panopto to store educational videos and will inform you if they are used in your classes. However, you should register on this platform with your IT account beforehand so that you are registered as a user.  

Instructions & support

Your first step should always be to take a look at our FAQs. It’s possible we have already provided a solution for your current issue. If not, you will find a direct point of contact there.  
You will find all important OpenOLAT, Panopto and LinkedIn Learning  information and instructions on this page of the Media and Teaching Team.  

Technical FAQ

On this intranet page (login with IT account required) you will find a collection of frequently asked questions and answers about the various online services of our university.
FAQ for students