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Course auditing

The opportunity to audit serves as general further training without any formal qualification being sought.

If there are still places available in a degree program, people who wish to continue their education within individual courses can apply for admission as guest auditors. Admission as a guest auditor requires the consent of the Dean of the respective department in coordination with the university lecturer responsible for the respective course. The legal basis for a guest auditorship at Mainz University of Applied Sciences is Section 20 of the Regulations for the Registration of Students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences (Registration Regulations) of 4 July 2014.

Admission is for one semester. The guest auditor receives a guest auditor's permit on the basis of the admission. A formal qualification such as the Abitur is not required for admission as a guest auditor. Guest auditors of Mainz University of Applied Sciences are not entitled to acquire certificates of achievement or take part in examinations.


Mainz University of Applied Sciences
Office of Student Affairs
Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2

studierendenbuero (at)

Application to be a guest auditor (only available in German)

The application must be submitted to the university
  • by February 1st for the summer semester
  • by September 1st for the winter semester 
  Auditing fees
  • Up to four semester hours: €140
  • Up to eight semester hours: €240
  • Nine semester hours or more: €300
The fee may be reduced or waived in case of hardship for the participant. Information on fees in the fields of science, continuing education and research can be found in the fee schedule found in the State Fee Regulation.

Who to contact

Katharina Dötzer
Head of Policy Issues
T +49 6131 628-7380
Daniela Hinker
Mon to Fri mornings
T +49 6131 628-7384
zulassung (at)
Christiane Mann
Mon to Wed + Fri mornings,
Thurs afternoon
T +49 6131 628-7382
zulassung (at)
Iris Schwabe
Mon to Fri mornings and afternoons
T +49 6131 628-7381
zulassung (at)
Ilayda Aksünger
Mon to Fri mornings and afternoons
T +49 6131 628-7389