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Applying via uni-assist

To study at our university, you need a higher education entrance qualification. If you have acquired a higher education entrance qualification abroad, you must check to what extent it is equivalent to the German higher education entrance qualification.

If your foreign higher education entrance qualification is recognized as equivalent to the German qualification and sufficient German language skills have been proven, you will be admitted to the study placement procedure.

If you did not acquire your university entrance qualification in Germany or at a school with German Abitur examination regulations (for example A-Levels, High School Diploma, Baccalaureat), send your application to uni-assist (the address is on the right).

uni-assist address

Mainz University of Applied Sciences
c/o uni-assist e.V.
D-11507 Berlin

Dialog-oriented Service Procedure (DoSV)

The dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV) coordinates the allocation of undergraduate degree program placements with locally restricted admissions on a national level. The background behind this is the current multiple occupancy of study placements by applicants applying to several universities. The advantage of the procedure is that as an applicant, you have a central point of contact for all applications submitted to the DoSV – the platform  – and can view their status there at any time.

Further information on the DoSV procedure and the application procedure for DoSV degree programs can be found at


The degree program you have chosen participates in the dialog-oriented service procedure.

Before you can apply on the uni-assist online portal, you must register at and then receive a BID (applicant identification number) and a BAN (applicant authorization number).

Please note that you can also use your user account created by registering at for applications in later procedures. Any additional registration would constitute an invalid multiple registration. If you already have a BID and a BAN from from a previous application, you can use them for online applications on the application portal of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Please note that multiple registrations at are not permitted. Should you have registered more than once, a decision will only be made regarding the applications submitted with the most recent registration. Surplus registrations including all of the related applications will be deleted and will not be considered in the remaining process steps. Deletion cannot be reversed.


First register with the central coordination office at There you will be guided to the portal of via the button Registration and application for degree programs with local admission restrictions. Click on the button Application portal on the left side of the page to enter the application portal. To register at, please click on Registration. After you have successfully registered, you will receive an e-mail containing, among other things, the activation link. By using the activation link within 72 hours after receipt, you successfully complete your registration at By clicking on the Home button, log in with your user name and password. Under the My data button you will find your applicant identification number (BID) and the corresponding applicant authorization number (BAN). Make a note of your BID and BAN, as you will have to enter these numbers when applying on the university's online portal. Your personal details are automatically transferred after entering the BID and BAN when you register on the university's uni-assist online portal.

Note: Changes of address and other personal data can only be done via


Please note that multiple registrations at are not permitted. Should you have registered more than once, a decision will only be made regarding the applications submitted with the most recent registration. Surplus registrations including all of the related applications will be deleted and will not be considered in the remaining process steps. Deletion cannot be reversed.

A user account is set up for you when registering at Your user account is where the information on all of your applications to the degree programs that participate in the dialog-oriented service procedure comes together. Your applications are reconciled in a database shared by the participating universities. After the allocation process for study places at a university, which is individual to each university, is concluded at the respective participating universities, the offers of admission from different universities are made available to you in your user account. This provides you with an overview of the status of your applications so you can decide which admission offer to accept.

Please note that you can also use the user account you have set up during your registration for applications in later processes. An additional registration would cause a prohibited multiple registration.

You can find more information about registration at or send an email with your questions to service(at)


You can find information about applying via uni-assist on the page


Links Foundation for Admission to Higher Education


Documents to be submitted

  • Chronological, signed curriculum vitae with no missing periods of time
  • Copy of the payment receipt for the fee paid to uni-assist
  • Residence permit (for applicants from non-EU member states)
  • Copy of passport
  • Declaration on previous periods of study at home and abroad (See under Download.  Please note that the declaration must be submitted even if no study periods have yet been completed.)
  • Proof of German language skills




Document your education from secondary school to your current level of education. Submit all your diplomas and certificates in full - you must always submit your degree and the associated overview of subjects and grades in full. Neither complete parts of the certificate (for example a diploma appendix) nor individual pages may be missing. If the grading system used is not listed on the subject and grade overview, please also submit the information on the grading system of your school or university.

It is necessary that you submit all certificates in the original language in an officially certified copy and additionally as a sworn translation, also in an officially certified copy. Submission is only possible in paper form. Copies of certified documents - whether in electronic or paper form - are only simple copies and are not authenticated themselves. A copy shall only be deemed to have been certified if the original certification stamp is on it.

If you have attended a preparatory course, please enclose the certificate of the preparatory course (officially certified copy).


The first semester is always preset as the subject semester for all bachelor's degree programs. If you have already completed periods of study at a university, Mainz University of Applied Sciences reserves the right to final classification into the semester on the basis of the documents to be submitted.

Applying with previous study periods

Applicants with previous periods of study in Germany or abroad must submit the following documents in addition to the required documents in due time when applying to our university. This applies to all previous degree programs in which you were or are enrolled.

  • Clearance certificate (in German)
  • Clearance certificate for curricula at foreign universities (in English)
  • Proof of achievement / grade chart with indication of the ECTS credits, grade, number of attempts including the failed achievements with indication of the provisional grade point average of your achievements to date.
  • Exmatriculation certificate of all degree programs in which you were previously enrolled. If you are still enrolled by the application deadline, you can submit your application at the time of enrollment - at the latest by 15 October for the winter semester and by the end of the first week of April for the summer semester.

Depending on the semester for which you are applying, this document relating to the individual achievements may not be issued before 15 May for the winter semester or 15 November for the summer semester (in German).

  • Summary of the individual modules including the ECTS credits (in German)
  • Curriculum (in German)

    If you are still enrolled at another university at the time of application and are able to complete achievements there, you must, in the case of admission to Mainz University of Applied Sciences, provide a current clearance certificate and current proof of achievements / grade point average including the failed achievements after the grading of the last examination achievement by the previous university again without being asked. This must be done by October 15 for the winter semester and by the end of the first week of April for the summer semester at the Office of Student Affairs of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

    Subject-related semester and credit recognition

    Recognition of achievements from previous periods of study takes into account both passed and failed attempts. If necessary, you may be required at a later date to submit documents for all exam achievements that have been completed and then also evaluated.

    Recognition is formally granted by the respective examination board. In the case of admission to a higher semester, you will receive notification of the placement semester via the notification of admission. If you are placed in the first semester, please contact the student advisory service of the respective department for recognition of achievements.

    Please note that in this case admission is subject to the condition precedent that the explicitly requested documents are submitted in full, on time and ready for examination within the enrollment period or any other period specified by the university in the notification of admission and that the examination of the documents by the university leads to a positive examination result.
    If a positive examination result cannot be certified, the notification of admission issued under the condition precedent shall have no legal effect. There is no right to enrollment and there will be no special decision on this.


    Level B2 is required for the application and verified by:

      • Test German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF)-TDN 3 in all parts of the examination
      • German language examination for university entrance at least level 1 (DSH-1)
      • Goethe certificate at least B2
      • German Language Diploma DSD II
      • telc German B2

       The proof must be presented in officially certified form.


      If you apply and are admitted to the first and second semesters, proof of language skills can be submitted by the end of the second semester. The required language skills are not a prerequisite for admission for the first and second semester.

      Applicants placed in the 3rd or later semester must submit proof in one of the following forms by the application deadline.

      • General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification with at least a basic English Abitur course with at least 'good' or with at least 10 grade points (arithmetic mean of the last two scores shown on the certificate)
      • General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification with at least an advanced course of English in the Abitur with at least 'satisfactory' or at least 7 grade points (arithmetic mean of the last two scores shown on the certificate)
      • University of applied sciences entrance qualification with at least 'good' or with at least 10 grade points in English
      • TOEFL iBT with at least Level B1 (as of 2008)
      • TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) with at least level B1
      • OOPT (Oxford Online Placement Test) at Mainz University of Applied Sciences only, with at least level B1 + (as of August 2012)
      • Further requirements for English language skills, which the School of Business has defined for all bachelor's degree programs, can be found here.


      Additionally required documents

      • Diploma and diploma certificate or bachelor's certificate and bachelor's degree with grade point average (decimal point)
        If the documents are not yet available and the grade of the final examination of the first degree program has not been verified, the result of the final examination is evaluated with "1 point" when determining the measurement number for the selection for a second degree program.
      • Reasons for enrolling in a second degree program


      • Written application for admission due to extraordinary hardship

      The reasons for the application must be justified in writing and supported by relevant documents.


      • Written application to improve the average grade and/or waiting time

      The reasons for the application must be justified in writing and supported by relevant documents.


      uni-assist online portal

      Portal for applicants with foreign higher education entrance qualifications