Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
What's in Store for You
Underground engineering and building construction, contracting/procurement, cost calculation and pricing, occupational safety, construction site management Construction Engineering
Structural design, solid construction, steel construction, timber construction and composite construction Infrastructure Water and Traffic
Hydraulic engineering, water management, urban water management, waste management, traffic engineering, environmental protection
After passing the exams, credits are assigned using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), enabling you to switch to other universities in Germany and abroad.
Program Structure
Semester 1 30ECTS/28SWs | Semester 2 30ECTS/27SWS | Semester 3 30ECTS/25SWS | SEMESTER 4 30ECTS/25SWS | SEMESTER 5 30ECTS/21SWS | SEMESTER 6 30ECTS/20SWS | SEMESTER 7 30ECTS/2SWS |
Mathematik 1 6ECTS/5SWS | Mathematik 2 6ECTS/5SWS | Baustatik 1 5ECTS/4SWS | Baustatik 2 5ECTS/4SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 1 6ECTS/4SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 4 6ECTS/4SWS | Praxisprojekt 16ECTS
Technische Mechanik 1 6ECTS/5SWS | Technische Mechanik 2 6ECTS/5SWS | Massivbau 1 5ECTS/4SWS | Massivbau 2 5ECTS/4SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 2 6ECTS/4SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 5 6ECTS/4SWS | |
Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen 4ECTS/4SWS | Bauphysik 5ECTS/4SWS | Geotechnik 1 5ECTS/5SWS | Geotechnik 2 5ECTS/5SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 3 6ECTS/4SWS | Schwerpunkt Modul 6 6ECTS/4SWS | Bachelorarbeit und Kolloquium 12 + 2 ECTS
Baukonstruktion 6ECTS/6SWS | Ingenieurinformatik / Geodäsie 4ECTS/4SWS | Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 5ECTS/4SWS | Stahlbau 1 5ECTS/4SWS | Wahlpflichtmodul 6ECTS/4SWS | Freies Wahlmodul 6ECTS/4SWS | |
Baustoffkunde 4ECTS/4SWS | Hydromechanik 5ECTS/5SWS | Bauverfahrenstechnik 5ECTS/4SWS | Siedlungs-wasserwirtschaft 1 5ECTS/4SWS | Baurecht und Umweltrecht 6ECTS/5SWS | Fachübergreifendes Projekt 6ECTS/4SWS | |
Bauinformatik 4ECTS/4SWS | Verkehrswesen 1 4ECTS/4SWS | Verkehrswesen 2 5ECTS/4SWS | Projektmanagement 5ECTS/4SWS |
Semester 5 | Semester 6 |
Tiefbautechnik 6ECTS/4SWS | Kostenermittlung und Preisbildung 6ECTS/4SWS |
Hochbautechnik 6ECTS/4SWS | Arbeitssicherheit 6ECTS/4SWS |
Vergabe- und Vertragswesen 6ECTS/4SWS | Lean Construction 6ECTS/4SWS |
Semster 5 | Semester 6 |
Baustatik 3 6ECTS/4SWS | Stahlbau 2 6ECTS/4SWS |
Massivbau 3 6ECTS/4SWS | Holzbau |
Stabilität der Tragwerke 6ECTS/4SWS | Hochbaukonstruktionen 6ECTS/4SWS |
Semester 5 | Semester 6 |
Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft 6ECTS/4SWS | Infrastrukturprojekt 6ECTS/4SWS |
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 2 6ECTS/4SWS | Umweltschutz 6ECTS/4SWS |
Verkehrswesen 3 6ECTS/4SWS | Verkehrswesen 4 6ECTS/4SWS |
A module from one of the two other MajorsFree ELECTIVE (SEMESTER 6)
Not a module from the first three semesters of the respective course of studiesModule Guide (only available in German)
Das Modulhandbuch BaBau in der neuesten Fassung | |
PDF, 3 MB | |
Modulhandbuch Wahlpflichtmodule BIM | |
PDF, 1 MB |
Schedule of courses (only available in German)
Schedule of courses Wintersemester 2024/25 | |
PDF, 737 KB |
Consecutive master's program
For particularly qualified graduates with a bachelor's degree or a diploma (FH), Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers the possibility of a higher qualification in the accredited consecutive master's degree program Civil Engineering: Construction in Existing Contexts. The degree program builds on the bachelor's program and is based on the scientific foundations and methods of civil engineering.
The master's degree program provides you with in-depth expertise in one of the three possible majors: Construction Operations, Construction Engineering or Infrastructure Water and Traffic.
Upon completion of the three-semester program, you are awarded the academic degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Your professional prospects
Who to contact
katharina.kluge (at)