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Coursework and exams


Exam registration

Registration for examinations usually takes place two weeks after the start of lectures in our HIP. The exact dates will be announced using notices and OLAT. 

Exam dates/testing schedules

You will find the current examination schedule as well as the current examination options (including repeat examinations offered) of the Civil Engineering department in the OLAT organization course in the Civil Engineering department.


Withdrawal from module examinations

It is only possibly to withdraw one time from individual modules exams that you have registered (Section 21 Para. 6 of the bachelor's and master's exam regulations for the School of Engineering (PO-BaFbT and PO-MaFbT)), as follows:

  • no later than six weeks after the start of lectures for modules with coursework
  • up to two weeks before the first examination date of the module for modules without coursework

Withdrawal must be declared in writing at the examination office or via the online service of the university.

Withdrawal is not possible for individual parts of a module examination, when the study time limits have been reached or for repeat examinations.

Exam results

The results of the examinations can be accessed via the online grade posting service of the examination office.

To obtain access, the matriculation number is required as the user name and the PIN as the password. The PIN can be found on the blue ID form above the student ID.

Examination office

All additional information regarding examination-related matters can be found on the website of the Examination Office.

Resolutions of the examination board for the department of civil engineering

In addition to the examination regulations and the degree-related examination regulations of the degree programs of the Civil Engineering teaching unit, the resolutions of the examination committee are published here.

  • No public resolutions have been adopted yet.

Exam regulations, class schedule (only available in German)

Allgemeine Ordnung (PO-MaFbT)
PDF, 660 KB
Fachprüfungsordnung (FPO-MaBIM)
PDF, 325 KB
Stundenplan Master BIM
PDF, 988 KB
Änderungsordnung zu FPO-MaBIM vom 19.7.2017
PDF, 125 KB


HIP University information portal
Registration for exams, online grade posting

OpenOLAT-Online Learning And Training
Organizational class, courses, modules

Examinations office
of the School of Engineering