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Foreign academic qualifications

Application via uni-assist

If you have obtained your university degree abroad, you must check to what extent it is equivalent to the German higher education entrance qualification for a master's degree program. Please apply via uni-assist. The nationality of the applicants is irrelevant.

If your foreign higher education entrance qualification is recognized as equivalent to the German one and sufficient German language skills are proven, you will be admitted to the study place allocation procedure. German citizens with a foreign university degree do not have to provide proof of German language proficiency if they have a German university entrance qualification (A-Level).


  • You have already obtained recognition of your foreign university degree in Germany with a stated grade point average.
  • You would like to apply to the consecutive master's degree program International Business (M.A. IB full-time) and have obtained your first university degree qualifying for a profession in a country belonging to the EU.
  • You would like to apply to the continuing education master's degree programs International Business (M.Sc. IB) and/or Taxation.


Please note that your application will not be processed by uni-assist until the fee has been paid. Please include a copy of the deposit receipt/proof of payment with your application.

You can find information on the amount of the processing fee and how to transfer the fee for the evaluation of the foreign higher education entrance qualification at

For the admission of foreign nationals or stateless persons who are not on an equal footing with Germans, a special quota of up to five percent of the fixed number of admissions applies. The current admission figures are published in the Mainz University of Applied Sciences Bulletin.


uni-assist address

Mainz University of Applied Sciences
c/o uni-assist e.V.
D-11507 Berlin

Links - non-binding assessment and evaluation of qualifications acquired abroad - information on studying in Germany for international applicants

Documents to be submitted

  • Chronological, signed curriculum vitae with no missing periods of time
  • Copy of the deposit slip for the fee paid to uni-assist
  • Residence permit (for applicants from non-EU member states)
  • Copy of identity card
  • Declaration of previous study periods at home and abroad (see under download)
  • Proof of German language skills
  • Certificate of exmatriculation for all degree programs in which you were previously enrolled. If you are still enrolled by the closing date for applications, you can submit them upon enrollment, but no later than 15 October for the winter semester and 30 March for the winter semester


Applicants with previous periods of study in Germany or abroad must submit the following documents in addition to the required documents in due time when applying to our university. This applies to all previous master's degree programs in which you were or are enrolled after completing your first undergraduate degree.

  • Clearance certificate (in German)
  • Clearance certificate for all studies at foreign universities after completing your first undergraduate degree (in English)
  • Proof of achievement / grade point average with indication of the ECTS credits, grade, number of attempts including the failed achievements with indication of the provisional grade point average of your achievements to date.
  • Summary of the contents of the individual modules including the ECTS credits (in German)
  • Curriculum plan (in German)

If you are still enrolled at another university at the time of application and are able to complete achievements there, you must provide a current clearance certificate and current proof of achievements / grade point average including the failed achievements after the grading of the last examination achievement by the previous university again without being asked. This must be done by October 15 for the winter semester and by the end of the first week of April for the summer semester at the Office of Student Affairs of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.


Level C1 is required for the applicatioin and verified by

  • German language examination for university entrance at least level 2 (DSH-2)
  • Goethe certificate at least C1
  • Test German as a foreign language (TestDaF)-TDN 4 in all parts of the examination
  •  alternatively: Business German, telc Deutsch C1

The proof of German language skills must be presented in an officially certified form.


  • Document your educational path from secondary school diploma to your current level of education. Submit all certificates completely - the degree and the corresponding overview of subjects and grades must always be submitted in full. Neither whole certificate parts (for example a diploma appendix) nor individual pages may be missing. If the grade system used is not listed on the subject and grade overview, please also submit the information on the grade system of your school or university

  • IYou must submit all certificates in full in the original language in an officially certified copy and additionally in a sworn translation. Submission is only possible in paper form. Copies of certified documents - whether they are in electronic or paper form - are only simple copies and are not certified themselves. A copy shall be deemed to be authenticated only if it bears the original authentication stamp.
  • A bachelor's degree in Building and Property Management, Facility Management or Technical Property Management or a bachelor's degree, an Engineering Diploma from a university of applied sciences or an Engineering Diploma from related fields. Your grade point average must not be less than 2.7 (German grading system). The degree program director decides on the admission of students with a degree from related degree programs. 
  • Interior architecture graduates (Bachelor's degree, Engineering Diploma from a university of applied sciences or Engineering Diploma) must provide proof of at least three years of construction site-related or practical activities related to construction and property management, facility management or technical facility management.
  • In addition to a degree in engineering, you must also prove your knowledge of mathematics. You may have acquired this knowledge during your previous studies or as part of a separate certificate of achievement. The proof must be submitted by the end of the first master's semester. A mathematics bridge course will be offered.


Additionally required documents

  • Diploma and diploma certificate or master's certificate and master's degree with grade point average (decimal point)
    If the documents are not yet available and the grade of the final examination of the first degree program has not been verified, the result of the final examination is evaluated with "1 point" when determining the measurement number for the selection for a second degree program
  • Reasons for enrolling in a second degree program


  • Written application for admission due to extraordinary hardship

The reasons for the application must be justified in writing and supported by relevant documents.


  • Written application to improve the average grade and/or waiting time

The reasons for the application must be justified in writing and supported by relevant documents.


uni-assist online portal

Portal for applicants with foreign higher education entrance qualifications