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B.A. in Time-Based Media

A degree program introduces itself
In the bachelor's degree program Time-Based Media you will be trained in media design specifically for the audiovisual and interactive media sector. This is the essential distinction from classic communication design, in which the print media are much more at the center of the work. Currently, the field of media design includes the bachelor's and master's degree programs in time-based media. In addition to the classical training for film and video, you will be taught the areas of 2D and 3D animation as well as the design and implementation of interactive and multimedia media concepts. This includes the targeted and highly developed use of the computer for the required design solutions, which is why you should not be afraid of using computers. The program covers a wide range of audiovisual and electronic media and design technologies. You are taught sound knowledge and experience of the design process, from strictly purpose-oriented application to free artistic experimentation. In addition, you will learn a broad spectrum of technological basics. All media interact with each other and are part of the social culture. Therefore, the examination of the history of media and communication as well as sociological foundations of media and communication science are further important areas of work. Professional and media economic, legal and organizational aspects are also part of your training. Projects from the degree program:

At a glance

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Standard period of study: 6 semesters
Starting semester: summer and winter semester
Aptitude test: yes
ECTS credits: 180
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Application deadlines

Selection process (portfolio review)

Winter semester 2024/25: April 15th, 2024 to May 1st, 2024
Summer semester 2025: October 15th, 2024 to November 1st, 2024

Online application

Winter semester 2024/25: Estimated as of now for mid-May 2024 to June 15th, 2024
Summer semester 2025: Estimated as of now for mid-November 2024 to December 15th, 2024

Your professional prospects

Media designers are needed at all of society's interfaces. Media designers design for film and television, 2D and 3D animations independently or integrated into films, and media converging / cross-media applications or interactive media systems such as websites, apps, interactive installations and projections in space. The career prospects of our graduates are varied. With the integrative training in our core areas, a wide range of fields of work in the media industry such as TV and film, industry and business, in cultural and state institutions, in design studios, film and advertising agencies or also as independent media designers with their own studio are open to students who have successfully completed their studies.

Program structure

The bachelor's program Time-based Media is a design-based degree program that is oriented towards basic knowledge and methods. Thanks to its basic orientation, it enables you to work successfully in your profession throughout your entire professional life. Among other things, this is due to the fact that the degree program is not limited to the teaching of currently valid content, but also contains theoretical substantiated basic concepts and methods that endure over current trends. In practice-oriented projects, your conceptual knowledge and skills are promoted in particular in addition to design solutions. In addition, the program offers you a comprehensive range of courses that are oriented more towards content and technology. After your basic studies in the 1st semester, you will have the choice in the 2nd to 5th semester and can put together your own specializations according to your interests and skills. The program contents are combined into individual modules. As far as possible, they are separated in terms of content, but overlaps cannot be completely avoided. As a rule, the individual courses are divided into three areas - theory, practice and technology - and each is weighted differently. This also makes it possible to react flexibly and purposefully to changing labor market requirements. For further details, please refer to the module guide.
In the first semester, you will take required courses in typography, design, animation, film and computer science, as well as a scientific prep course with different basics.  
The courses offered in these semesters are divided into three areas: Applied and Experimental Design, Media Basis and Design and Media Theory.
The projects in the seminars on applied design are primarily practice-oriented. The projects Experimental Design, on the other hand, tend to be free artistic works. The media basis is anchored in the three focal points of animation, film and interaction and combines creative, technical and practical implementation.
The theory courses in the bachelor's program are divided into design and media theory (media history, art and cultural history, media theory) and media management (conception, presentation, production).  
In the last semester, in addition to the bachelor's thesis, two courses in the field of media management are planned, each comprising six semester hours per week.  

Projects and results of the degree program

The degree program cooperates with different national and international partners
Mediendesign Mainz


ACHT Frankfurt, ARC Filmfestival Mainz, descom Designforum Rheinland-Pfalz, dropout Film, Kontrastfilm, Film- und Medienforum Rheinland-Pfalz, Film- und Medienförderung Rheinland-Pfalz, Gutenberg-Museum, Schauspielschule Mainz, SWR, Quadrolux, ZDF, FUNK - Content-Netzwerk of ARD and ZDF, and more.
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Program Structure (only available in German)

30 CP/24 SWS
30 CP/20 SWS
30 CP/20 SWS
30 CP/20 SWS
30 CP/20 SWS
30 CP/20 SWS

BGT 8120
5 CP/4 SWS

BD 1 8510
Projekt A/F/I

9 CP/6 SWS
BD 2 8520
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BD 3 8530
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BD4 8540
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BTH 8000
Bachelor Thesis

12 CP/8 SWS
BGG 8130

5 CP/4 SWS
BE 1 8610
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BE 2 8620
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BE3 8630
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BE4 8640
Projekt A/F/I
9 CP/6 SWS
BM2 8820

9 CP/6 SWS
BGA 8140

5 CP/4 SWS
BA1 8210
Animation 1

9 CP/6 SWS
BA2 8220
Animation 2

9 CP/6 SWS
BA3 8230
Animation 3

9 CP/6 SWS
BA4 8240
Animation 4

9 CP/6 SWS
BM3 8830

9 CP/6 SWS

BGF 8150
5 CP/4 SWS

BF1 8310
Film 1

9 CP/6 SWS
BF2 8320
Film 2

9 CP/6 SWS
BF3 8330
Film 3

9 CP/6 SWS
BF4 8340
Film 4

9 CP/6 SWS
BGI 8160

5 CP/4 SWS
BI1 8410
Informatik 1

6 CP/6 SWS
BI2 8420
Informatik 2

9 CP/6 SWS
BI3 8430
Informatik 3

9 CP/6 SWS
BI4 8440
Informatik 4

9 CP/6 SWS
BGP 8110

5 CP/4 SWS
BT1 8710

3 CP/2 SWS
BT2 8720

3 CP/2 SWS

BT3 8730

3 CP/2 SWS


BM1 8810
3 CP/2 SWS

Projekt A/F/I= Projekte Animation/Film/Interaktion    SWS=Semesterwochenstunden    CP=Credit Point Die Seminare BA, BF und BI werden von zwei SWS E-Learning, Tutorium oder Workshop begleitet. Im 2. bis 4. Semester müssen Sie je ein Modul aus dem Bereich Angewandte und Experimentelle Gestaltung, zwei Module aus dem Bereich Mediale Basis  sowie ein Modul  aus dem Bereich Design-und Medientheorie belegen. Die Reihenfolge ist frei wählbar. Wiederholte Belegung der Module BT1 bis BT3 ist nur nach nicht bestandener Fachprüfung möglich. 


Institute for Media Design

The department is accompanied by the Institute for Media Design as an interface between research and teaching. Third-party funded projects are institutionally anchored through the Institute, teaching and research are in harmony and complement each other's skills in the fields of film/video, animation, interaction, sound, game and convergence. In doing so, you always have the opportunity to participate in research projects.
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Who to contact

Daniel Stefan Seideneder
Degree program director
T +49 6131 628-2331


Media Design - Assistants
Room W1.23 md-assistenz (at)


Mainz University of Applied Sciences
School of Design
Wallstraße 11
55122 Mainz