Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Dual
If you are fascinated by the professional use of IT solutions in companies and would like to gain further qualifications either parallel to or after your vocational training, this degree program is exactly the right one for you.
Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers you the opportunity to study alongside your vocational training or job. In this way, you document your determination and commitment beyond your interest in business information technology. The combination of business and information technology opens up numerous opportunities for you on the employment market.
We specifically prepare you to design sustainable solutions for economic and technical problems and to shape innovative changes in the company.
The aims of the degree program
Information technologies in companies and the creation of competences for the handling of complex, integrating business processes with modern IT systems are the focus of the dual course of studies in Information Systems.
The curriculum includes IT/Informatics as well as economics, enriched by specific core subjects in information systems. By learning scientific foundations, methodological competence and professional qualifications, you will be able to design information and communication systems and use them effectively and efficiently.
In the dual degree program in Information Systems, studies are closely linked with a career start. In this way, you acquire both a university degree and a qualification in a vocational occupation.
What's in store for you
- Sound teaching of scientific basics of computer science and IT, economics and information systems
- Studies parallel to or after an apprenticeship
- Dual qualification at a company and the university
- Part-time studies combine academic experience with practical work experience
- Integration of project- and case-oriented work
- Development of methodological and professional skills
- Strengthening social skills such as the ability to manage oneself and work in groups
- Teaching and learning in manageably sized groups
Who is this degree program interesting for?
Your goals are:
- studies in the field of information systems at a university of applied sciences
- the combination of theory and practice
- the application-oriented acquisition of knowledge
- a qualification in an occupation requiring vocational training parallel to studies
- or the qualification after a completed apprenticeship
- IT specialists
- IT system specialists
- Information technology specialists and similar training occupations
Your professional prospects
As a future specialist in Information Systems, you have the best career opportunities in national and international companies that use IT.
The program is designed to enable you to quickly familiarize yourself with complex, IT-specific problems. You will find solutions and implement them, in teams or independently.
Depending on your interests and thematic focuses, you can either gear your activities towards a more technical area, or more closely to the business issues of companies.
The program provides you with a solid foundation for IT-related activities in companies in a wide variety of industries. At the same time, it can also serve as the basis for further academic careers, such as a master's degree program.