Shape the Value Chains of Tomorrow

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Here you will find current topics of our department that can be used to work on a thesis.


Current topics for theses

  • Questions such as: “How can supply chain strategy and corporate strategy be aligned?” “What are the key elements that need to be aligned?” “What is known about these elements so far?” “What are current trends influencing these elements?”
  • International literature review and review of grey literature (consultancy reports etc.)
  • Overview and summary of literature and comparing them against latest trends to identify potential gaps
  • Comparison of main elements/alignment parameters against prototype of supply chain management strategy assessment tool developed by BHC (Hassemer Consulting; non-disclosure agreement to be signed by student)
  • Identification of similarities and differences, development of recommendations 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Lydia Bals


  • Questions such as: “How to holistically integrate digitalization into supply chain management strategy?”
  • International literature review and review of grey literature (consultancy reports etc.)
  • Overview and summary of existing frameworks and comparing them against latest trends to identify potential gaps
  • Comparison of synthesized framework against prototype of supply chain management strategy assessment tool developed by BHC (Hassemer Consulting; non-disclosure agreement to be signed by student)
  • Identification of similarities and differences, development of recommendations 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berbner


  • Questions such as: “How to holistically integrate sustainability into supply chain management strategy?”
  • International literature review and review of grey literature (consultancy reports etc.)
  • Overview and summary of existing frameworks and comparing them against latest trends to identify potential gaps
  • Comparison of synthesized framework against prototype of supply chain management strategy assessment tool developed by BHC (Hassemer Consulting; non-disclosure agreement to be signed by student)
  • Identification of similarities and differences, development of recommendations 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Lydia Bals


The Master's thesis is carried out in cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim. The work is associated with employment at BI as a Master's student.

  • Objective: The thesis aims to derive and systematize concrete measures to strengthen supply chain resilience in Boehringer Ingelheim's supply chain by increasing supply chain visibility.
  • Research question: How can supply chain visibility in Boehringer Ingelheim's supply chain be increased in order to improve supply chain resilience?
    • What risks are there in the pharma supply chain and how can these be structured?
    • How can resilience be described in the context of the pharma supply chain using BI as an example?
    • Which measures lead to supply chain resilience in the given context?
    • What is supply chain visibility and how can supply chain visibility support the achievement of supply chain resilience in the pharma supply chain?
    • In which milestones and through which specific measures should SC visibility be strengthened at BI?

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berbner




The Master's thesis is carried out in cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim. The work is associated with an employment at BI as a Master's student.

  • Objective: The aim of the thesis is to develop a concept for the use of generative AI in supply chain risk / continuity management at Boehringer Ingelheim.
  • Research question: How can generative AI support decisions in supply chain risk and continuity management?
    • What is generative AI and how can it generally be used in a corporate context to support decision-making?
    • What tasks can supply chain risk and continuity management be structured into and how are these tasks connected?
    • How can generative AI support supply chain risk and continuity management in ...
    • collecting and processing information?
    • identifying and analyzing weak points?
    • the design of measures?
    • ... (possibly other tasks)
    • In which milestones and through which specific measures should Generative AI be used in BI?

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berbner