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Management Department

Corporate Management, Strategic and International Management, Business Planning and General Business Administration: The range of lectures offered by our department covers the entire range of topics in corporate management.

We have committed ourselves to the following goals:

  • We teach theoretical concepts from strategic and international management in English and German.
  • We develop an integrative view of corporate management.
  • We deepen these concepts using practical examples, case studies, and the development of a business plan.

Our classes for bachelor’s degree students

Students in their first semester are provided with an overview of the entire spectrum of business administration. A simulation game integrated into the lecture teaches the first overall connections in teamwork.


The analysis, critical assessment and discussion of specialized topics of the future corporate orientation such as mergers and acquisitions, vertical integration, diversification or innovation management are the main focus of this class. The theory-based lecture content is supplemented by case studies.


Corporate management also includes the globalization of markets and companies. Supported by case studies, you will analyze topics such as intercultural differences or international market entry strategies.


In this class you will learn the necessary theoretical and practical foundations within the context of practice-based entrepreneurship and the successful start-up process enabling you to have an overview of the goals and structure of a start-up in its entirety.


In this option, students engage intensively with the use of visual analytics to explore relationships in data and prepare key insights for management decisions. The focus is on working with Tableau software, one of the leading tools for working visually with data, with no programming knowledge required. Students will learn how to work with the software during structured training sessions. Students then work on a business case study and create a dashboard using Tableau that consolidates the analyses.


In this elective, students gain an insight into the variety of modern business models and into several approaches of business model design as well as business model innovation. Next to the diagnosis and analysis of business models of real companies, students develop appropriate business model innovations in an agile and dynamic way based on gamification.


This lecture gives students an introduction to innovation management in companies and the question of how innovations are fundamental prerequisites for the success, growth and competitiveness of companies. Students learn about factors that influence the course and success of organizational innovation processes and, on this basis, are able to develop concrete starting points for managing these processes. A specific focus is given to the understanding of cross-company innovation activities (open innovation). Basic concepts of innovation management will be presented, as well as the latest research results. The inclusion of case studies from real-world situations serves to deepen and reflect on the lecture content.


In the interactive Business Planning class, students in their final semester apply what they have learned so far in an integrative and practical approach by planning a new business venture (for example, the founding of a start-up).


In Practical Module II, the practical application of various management tools is supplemented by the exemplary application of the creativity technique Kill the Company. Students first analyze the internal and external environment of their employers before working out ideas for promising business models or strategies based on various fictitious approaches/reasons for failure.


In this lecture you will deal with the long-term direction of the company. Basic analysis concepts and tools are explained and applied in detail.


This workshop addresses the question of how companies grow. The main focus will be on the questions:

  • Concepts to explain top performance: What can we learn from the best?
  • Managing corporate development: How do companies grow?
  • Leadership in a crisis: What is really important for managers?

In addition to conveying theoretically well-founded concepts, the implementation in the company's operations plays an important role. The practical relevance is ensured by several lectures by external speakers.


Our classes for master’s degree students

This module provides non-business students with an overview of the subject of business administration. In the process, you will gain an overview of important business decisions and insights into operational functions.


This lecture provides students with knowledge on using management tools to solve complex business issues. The instruments include classic strategy tools, but also analysis and communication tools such as issue trees and the Minto Pyramid. During the classes, students work in groups on a case study where they select, adapt and apply the appropriate tools.


The analysis, critical assessment and discussion of specialized topics of the future corporate orientation such as mergers and acquisitions, vertical integration, diversification or innovation management are the main focus of this class. The theory-based lecture content is supplemented by case studies.


In this class you will deal with the basics of international economics from the perspective of economics and business administration. Building on this, you will expand on these by means of an economic comparison of the French and German economic structures. In addition, case studies will compare management and problem-solving approaches of German and French companies in strategic decisions such as international mergers and acquisitions or in conflict management.


The international field trip is mandatory in the Master's degree in Management program. It will take you to a different economic and cultural environment and will familiarize you with issues of international management from a very practical point of view. The focus is on visits to institutions and primarily companies.


In the Practices of Academic Writing module you will develop a detailed project plan for the preparation of your master’s thesis. You will define the problem on which your thesis is based and conduct an initial, critical literature review. Then, you will develop the research methodology for addressing the problem. You will also create a timeline.


Decisions made in the face of uncertainty and time pressure are a typical phenomenon of everyday business life. You will understand different decision-making situations and techniques. Furthermore, in the Decision-Making module you will learn about the implications of rational decisions and the role of intuition on the decision-making process.


Department members

Department spokesperson: 
Prof. Dr. Anna Rosinus

Prof. Dr. Christian Au

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kaul

Prof. Dr. Elmar Konrad

Prof. Dr. Herbert Paul

Prof. Dr. Anna Rosinus

Prof. Dr. Randolf Schrank

Prof. Dr. Volrad Wollny


Paul Herwarth von Bittenfeld

Petra Carl

 Dr. Thomas Effert

Gerhart Flothow

Sebastian Grüner

Manoj Gupte

Robert Hattemer

Andreas Kappel

Sebastian Ludwig

Tobias Mahling

Christopher Offermanns

Michael Reiss

Julia Taibi-Voigts

Anna Thiel

Department Assistant
Melanie Schäfer

m3 lecture series

The lectures offered by the department are rounded off by the Mainz Management & Marketing Forum (m3). Every semester, we invite several top business leaders to give lectures in the auditorium in the fields of corporate management and marketing, and they are also available to answer your questions.

Past events (only available in German)

SoSe 2022: Discover. – In 330 Arbeitstagen zur neuen Langstrecken-Airline; Foodture - die nachhaltige Transformation einer Love Brand mit Emotionen und Innovationen
PDF, 171 KB
WiSe 2021/22: Hypovereinsbank: Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien traditioneller Banken; Biontech: Innovation und next generation immunotherapies
PDF, 197 KB
SoSe 2021 - Nestlé und Starbucks: Coffee Shop für Zuhause, Das Geschäftsmodell Plattform: Ein innovatives Sprungbrett für nachhaltiges Unternehmenswachstum
PDF, 191 KB
WiSe 2020/21: McDonald's - digitale Transformation bei Mcdonald's; Henkel-Freixenet - Markenaufbau im deutschen Weinmarkt
PDF, 97 KB
WiSe 2019/20: Digitalisierung: Konsequenzen für die Unternehmenskultur; Bionade: eine Erfolgsgeschichte?
PDF, 681 KB
SoSe 2019: Koakult GmbH - Von der WG-Küche bis in die Regale von 6000 Supermärkten; Alois Dallmayr Kaffee OHG - Erfolgsstrategien im Kaffeekapsel-Markt
PDF, 916 KB
WiSe 2018/19: Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr AG - CIO Insights; Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG - Digitale Kanäle
PDF, 552 KB
SoSe 2018: Evonik - Neue Wege, kleine Moleküle beim Kunden ganz groß raus bringen; Storck - Das älteste Start-up Deutschlands
WiSe 2017/18: Seibert Media GmbH - Extreme agile Leadership; Lavazza Deutschland und Österreich - Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis bei Lavazza
PDF, 62 KB
SoSe 2017: Boehringer Ingelheim - Die Umsetzung einer Vision. Welche Rolle spielt der HR-Bereich?; TransFair e.V./Fairtrade Deutschland - Fairtrade. Die Marke für Verantwortung in globalen Lieferketten
PDF, 72 KB
SoSe 2016: SAP SE - Digital Transformation; Schott AG - Herausforderungen einer global agierenden Technologiekonzerns; Sebapharma GmbH & Co KG - sebamed: Mittelständige Marken- und Unternehmensführung im globalen Wettbewerb
PDF, 74 KB
WiSe 2015/16: ZDF - Strategische Ausrichtung des ZDF als Medienunternehmen; Dr. August Oetker KG - Die Oetker-Gruppe: Wie unmögliches möglich ist
PDF, 67 KB
SoSe 2015: Eckes Granini GmbH - Erfolgreiche Brandextension - Am Beispiel Granini die Limo; Coface Deutschland - Neue Absatzmärkte erschließen. Coface in der Welt unterwegs, in Mainz zuhause
PDF, 293 KB
