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Logistics Management

The class with case work and discussion, presentations and exercises, as well as project work from the business practice, where applicable, teaches the participants the specific importance of logistics for the success of different companies in different industries and with different business models.  Students learn to analyze logistical problems from a business and a practical point of view, to select suitable methods for solving them, to apply them correctly and to critically evaluate the results. They will also gain an overview of current developments in logistics and be able to explain their fundamental significance.


Career prospects

It makes sense to take this option if you are pursuing a career in the following career fields:


  • Logistics
  • Supply chain management
  • Procurement and manufacturing

An interview with your lecturer, Pro­fes­sor Dr. Lydia Bals

What do you find exciting about your job/discipline?


That it really becomes most (physically) visible when you improve a logistics/production process – that’s very motivating!

What was the defining moment in your life when you knew which path you were going to take?


Participating in the Operations Management Linkage Program during a semester abroad in Finland during my studies. Afterwards, I took everything on Supply Chain Management/Logistics/Purchasing/Production that I could and focused on these topics with my PhD and then also in he practice.

Why are you teaching this specific option? 


Important topic, with high regional relevance – the Rhine-Main area is a logistics powerhouse!

What is your motivation for introducing your subject to students? 


I always enjoy teaching when I see the sparks fly. By now, numerous graduates who attended lectures on these topics are also working in the field – I’m always happy to see their development.

How would you describe your teaching style in three words? 


Interactive, substantiated, up-to-date.

What do you expect from your students?


Good preparation, problem solving orientation, self-organization (also important for successful teamwork).

Lydia Bals


Professor Dr. Lydia Bals