Dual & on-the-job studies at the School of Business

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Dual & on-the-job studies at the School of Business

Practical studies for a successful career

Dual, on-the-job, and part-time studies – what’s what?

Dual studies (duales Studium, also known as studies with integrated vocational training) combine studies with vocational training in a recognized vocational training occupation. In addition to your first university degree, you also acquire a qualification in a training occupation.

With on-the-job studies (berufsintegrierendes Studium), you study alongside working in your qualified job. The content of the degree program you choose matches your professional work profile and provides you with additional professional qualifications.

Part-time studies (berufsbegleitendes Studium) are degree programs that you complete part-time while working. This means you already have a job and your studies add to it. With part-time studies, the university and your company are not necessarily connected.

  • Well-founded professional expertise and practical relevance: dual and career-integrated degree programs offer students a sound theoretical foundation that they can apply directly in the practice.
  • Appealing to employers: Graduates of dual or career-integrated studies are extremely attractive to employers, as they have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. This makes them highly sought-after specialists on the job market.
  • A unique model: The School of Business offers a unique model that incorporates students' on-the-job activities into academic teaching. Collaboration with companies in the form of business projects, seminar papers, and theses strengthens the link between theory and practice.
  • Srong collaboration partners: The school maintains partnerships with a diverse selection of collaborating companies, including well-known names such as Boehringer Ingelheim, Schott, Lufthansa, BioNTech, Fraport, and Opel, as well as numerous medium-sized companies. This close cooperation gives our students the opportunity to learn from guest lecturers and lecturers with practical experience and to actively participate in current developments.
  • A pioneering spirit since 1977: The School of Business has been offering on-the-job and dual studies since 1977, making us a pioneer in this sector.


Six good reasons

to complete a dual or on-the-job degree program at the School of Business


  1. First-hand practical experience
    In In a dual degree program, you put your theoretical knowledge directly into practice. By working at a company, you will gain valuable practical experience that will give you a competitive edge on the job market.

  2. Get an early start to your career
    By combining studies and work, you can start your career while you are still studying. This allows you to lay the foundations for launching your career early and financially benefit from receiving a salary during your studies.

  3. Financial independence
    In contrast to traditional full-time studies, you can count on a training stipend or a salary from the company. This helps you cover your study costs and be financially independent as well.

  4. Double certificates, double qualifications
    Simultaneous vocational training and studies allow you to acquire two professional qualifications as well as valuable work experience. This dual qualification provides you with excellent opportunities to quickly gain a foothold in the job market.

  5. Networking for the future
    During your dual studies, you will have the opportunity to develop a valuable professional network. You will make relevant contacts across industries, which will not only make it easier for you to start your career, it can also be beneficial in the long term.

  6. Versatile adaptability
    The dual and on-the-job studies enable you to master both academic and practical challenges. The combination of theory and practice optimally prepares you to handle new professional challenges and gives you flexibility in your professional development.



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