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Childcare subsidies

Low-income students with children in care receive financial support from Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Childcare costs are subsidized up to 50%.
This includes all types of childcare:
  • Use of childminders from Family Services
  • Costs of the Campulino nursery school or any other nursery school if the child is still under two years old (spots for children two years or older are free in Rhineland-Palatinate)
  • PPivately organized childminders
  • privately organized nannies


Single parents in particular are usually not very well-off financially and need support with materials. Here, Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers the possibility to apply for a one-time financial grant, independent of childcare funding.

Grants and loans from Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Mainz

Student Services (Studierendenwerk) offers various grants and loans for students in financial need. Some of these instruments provide higher financial assistance to mothers and fathers than to childless students. Different conditions apply to exchange students (for example Erasmus, DAAD), and can be obtained from the relevant information providers.


Food allowance

A voucher for 50 Euro for food that can be redeemed in all facilities at the university that serve food and belong to the Studierendenwerk (Student Services Organization). All students with a difficult financial situation and an income below the maximum BAföG rate are eligible to apply.
You can get an application forms at the Studierendenwerk or at the AStA of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Emergency funds for foreign students

Foreign students who are in need due to political events in their home country can apply for a grant of €900 (with child: €1200). Prerequisites are a proper academic course, an advanced semester and the risk of not being able to complete your degree due to financial hardship.

Cash assistance

Students who are in an acute emergency situation through no fault of their own can apply for cash assistance. The assistance is provided as a grant and does not have to be paid back. The amount depends on the funds available. Generally, a grant in the amount of the applicable maximum BAföG rate (plus €150 per child living in the household) is paid. Applicants should normally only receive a grant once per semester. An allocation committee decides on the awarding of the grants.
Before the application is submitted, a personal counseling meeting will take place. Please call or email one of the contacts listed to schedule an appointment for a meeting.

Emergency assistance

Students facing an urgent financial hardship that requires immediate assistance may apply for emergency assistance. The assistance is paid as a grant and does not have to be paid back. The amount of the aid depends on the funds available. The maximum amount is not to exceed €200. An applicant should normally only receive a grant once per semester. Before the application is submitted, a personal counseling meeting will take place. Please call or email one of the contacts listed to schedule an appointment for a meeting.


Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Mainz

Postal address:
Staudingerweg 21
55128 Mainz

Address for visitors:
Dahlheimer Weg 2, 2.OG, Zi. 231
55128 Mainz

Who to contact:
Monika Schreiber
06131 39-24732
schreiber (at)


Social support from the Stundent Services (Studierendenwerk) –  food allowance, emergency assistance fund, cash assistance fund


Loans for exams

A maximum loan of €1,800 can be applied for no more than one year prior to the completion of your degree programn. The loan must be secured by a German guarantor with regular and sufficient income. The interest-free repayment begins two months after completion of the degree and the loan should be repain in full within two years. After two years, interest will accrue.

Notgemeinschaft Studiendank Foundation

Students in considerable financial hardship through no fault of their own can apply for a loan of a maximum of €3,000 if they have been pursuing their studies properly so far. Children are taken into account in the loan amount. The interest-free repayment is to take place within two years; in justified cases the possibility of deferral is granted. The loan must be secured by a guarantee. In rare cases, the Foundation may grant subsidies.


Loans from Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Mainz

Students who are at risk of not being able to continue their studies for financial reasons can receive short-term interest-free loans up to a maximum of €1,500.


Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Mainz

Postal address:
Staudingerweg 21
55128 Mainz

Address for visitors:
Dahlheimer Weg 2, 2.OG, Zi. 232
55128 Mainz

Who to contact:
Alexandra Junga
06131 39-24927
junga (at)


Financial support from Student Services (Studierendenwerk) – Loans for exams,  Notgemeinschaft Studiendank Foundation, loans from Student Services (Studierendenwerk) Mainz
General information about grants and loans can also be obtained from the social department of the AStA of Mainz University of Applied Sciences.

Who to contact

Katharina Dahm
Central equal opportunity representative
T +49 6131 628-3312