[Translate to English:] Studentin mit Kind auf dem Arm im Foyer am Standort Holzstraße | Foto: Katharina Dubno

[Translate to English:] Foto: Katharina Dubno

Family-friendly university

This content is only partially available in English.

Family-friendly university

“We guarantee family-friendly conditions for working and studying: With regard to children, it should be just as easy for parents to combine work with their families as it is for family members who are caring for loved ones. This family-friendliness benefits all genders; this way, the university can be an attractive place for everyone. We review the effectiveness of our measures and adjust them.”

With this statement, Mainz University of Applied Sciences joined the association Familie in der Hochschule e.V. in May 2023. We are actively committed to balancing care efforts with studies/a career.

We have defined the following goals for this purpose:

  • Family-friendly scheduling of meetings (starting time and fixed duration).
  • Raising awareness among all university employees on the topic of reconciling care and career, up to and including advising care-giving relatives
  • Stronger networking and better sharing of ideas among colleagues on the subject of the family
  • Expansion of financial support for single-parent students


A further important component is dealing with the psychological stress that can be associated with managing tasks. Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers its students psychological counseling for these and all other concerns, as well as personal counseling through the church providers (Overview of Counseling Services).


Please see the German pages for more information on studying and working as a parent, maternity leave for students, childcare offers, counseling, financial assistance, and the network of students with children:

Information on the Association "Family at the university"

Charter Family at the University (only available in German)

Commitment of Mainz University of Applied Sciences (only available in German)

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Who to contact

Prof. Dr. Katharina Dahm
Central equal opportunity representative
T +49 6131 628-3312
katharina.dahm (at) hs-mainz.de